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Thread: Is this Allowable?

  1. #1
    Rasha Vill

    Is this Allowable?

    At the Bottom of the thread, after Rasha does her little public rant, Is Je'gan able to take control Of Rasha, Freeze her in place so she can't move a muscle, and then leave her like that in the middle of a Jedi bar while he goes off looking for a place to Hurt Rasha, not giving her any chance to DO ANYTHING. Something about that just doesn't sit well with me.

    I'm not saying that this is godmoding, I just don't think is sits with the fair play rules. If he was a Master I could see this being okay, since Rasha is not a force user, but it can't be easy to "Freeze" a person like that, and to split his attention like he is, I would think once he was no longer in sight of Rasha he would have to let her go. So can I get a ruling on this? Is what Jegan doing allowable?

  2. #2
    Je'gan Olra'en
    Yes, it'll get tricky...especially now that he's not looking at her...but it won't last long. In any case, Je'gan won't be able to hurt Rasha - at least not there and then. His better judgement will kick in, and you'll be fine.

    EDIT: Whatever. I'm going to go edit.


  3. #3
    Rasha Vill
    But Still, How am I supose to respond to that thread when you are not allowing me to do anything! Not even talk! I still want a Mod or admin's position on this.

  4. #4
    Je'gan Olra'en
    Let's put it this way. You took a non-FS individual and caused a specialist in mind control to believe that she'd betrayed him.

    Read the edited version before you keep going.

  5. #5
    Darth Vader
    Seems fine to me. Unless you've got skills to counteract that, or someone is around who can, you're boned.

  6. #6
    Rasha Vill
    Okay, thank you for your opinion.

  7. #7
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Sometimes RP throws little surprises your way, and you can only let them happen. I see no problem with him freezing you as according to the FAQ (Section 3:A:11), the two of you would have to work things out if you wanted him to be seriously hurting your character, let alone kill her.

    He has said so himself that he has no intentions of seriously hurting her, not to mention that his character is going to reconsider what he's doing.

    Nothing is wrong with his post in my eyes. He is a force user - your character is not. The risk we take when playing non-Force using individuals in the constant presence of those that do, is that sometimes things don't go as expected.

    Other mods may have a different view, but that is mine.

  8. #8
    (this is LD) I don't have a problem with the post either. I haven't read the edited version, but as it was previously the 'freezing' affect would have to wear off as Je'gan got further away. He is only a knight, after all, and even a Master would not see the purpose in keeping her frozen indefinetely. Unless he was packing you up to take you with him.

    Which, he isn't.

  9. #9
    Lion El' Jonson
    Shouldn't this sort of thing generally be dealt with via PM?

    If not, my apologies; I haven't taken a look at the FAQ in a while.

  10. #10
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    generally, yes. I don't think it's a hard rule.

  11. #11
    Rasha Vill
    Thank you everybody for clearing things up, I was just wanting a number of people's opinions, on this and now that I have my answer, if people want they can lock or delete this thread. Thank you again

  12. #12
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    thread closed.


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