We interrupt this show for the following news bulletin:

The news anchor looked bright and fresh and she settled the papers in front of her and locked eyes with the holocam as the GNN musical intro faded. "This just in: New reports from Chandrila confirm the Chandrilan Security Council's suspicions that the mysterious Sith Order was behind <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36995>the recent attacks</a> on the Core planet. A Corellian insider has come forward with testimony that members of the alleged Sith Order took part in the attack that leveled on small town and severely damaged another.

"Hundreds of lives were lost." The blonde anchorperson paused momentarily, and then continued on in a slightly annoying up-beat voice. "Senator Thareena of Chandrila has vowed to do all she can to prevent Chandrila from falling to such terrorist tactics again. Join us at ten standard for all the latest updates."

Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming...