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Thread: What Star Wars Movie was your favorite?

  1. #41
    It's SO Buff.

    He dropped the weights and hit the books.

    He's all good at spelling now.

  2. #42
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Oh, about.
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    This further cements my beliefs that you boys are indeed, very weird.

    Not to mention you guys have cooties

  3. #43
    SW-Fans.Net Admin

    Good but Damaged Goods

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    Where I need to be.
    I do?
    Seriously, TPM was poorly written and directed. Fin.

  4. #44
    Originally posted by Morgan Evanar
    I do?
    Seriously, TPM was poorly written and directed. Fin.
    The Phantom Menace poorly written and directed?

    Well, I’m stunned, no not really I have heard that before and I still for the life of me cannot find when and where the supposed bad direction and written parts emerge. Now don’t get me wrong TPM nor any other S.W move will ever be mistaken for a film such as The Godfather, although I find it to be quite a bore and the characters to be deplorable to the ninth degree. But for the most part people find the film to be of the highest standards. Now I can only assume as to what you find poorly written and directed but I’ll try and shed a little light on at least one thing most people gripe about. Now keep in mind I’m not trying to change your mind, your more than intelligent enough to make up your own mind, I’ll write this just incase there is someone out there not sure of their own thoughts and need a little clarifying.

    Little Annie Skywalker, What most people do not realize that Lucas is from the old school of life. When Lucas grew up and even when he was a teenager things were more simple and kids were kids. Now a days kids the age of 8-10 either think they are 30 or at least act it. We are use to seeing kids portrayed in the cinema more mature and worldly, like the kid in THE SITH SENSE. Not always of course but we seem to take films with mature acting kids more serious and give the film more credit while not questioning it. So here we have a kid acting like a kid and people get in such a huff, well I say ; Bravo Lucas for keeping it real, well other than it being in a galaxy far far away. I could go deeper into it but I think one would get my drift.

    Heck ,take the slack that Lucas gets over the love scenes in AOTC. A 17 year old kid, been around men pretty much all his life sans a few ugly women JEDI, has been in love with Padme’ for almost half his life, he’s a virgin and people expect him to be “The Ladies Man’ nay. Lucas once again kept it real and people want to trash him. I think people need to look around a bit at the world around them and they will see that Lucas’ has KEPT IT REAL!!

  5. #45
    Originally posted by JMK
    It's SO Buff.

    He dropped the weights and hit the books.

    He's all good at spelling now.
    Boy, if my spelling is classified as good, this Buffjedi must have been in some serious need of hooked on phonics.

  6. #46
    One thing of interest is what Vanity Fair had to say about TPM in the recent SW related issue. They said that the movie will be talked about longer than something like the English Patient which will be long forgotten in time to come. I have to agree there, no question with that be the case.

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