Conversation Between Astera Frayus and Vishan Korogoth

44 Visitor Messages

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  1. You're quite cute yourself.
  2. Awww

  3. .... No.
  4. If'n Ah bat muh eyes an' say please, will ya kill me?
  5. There's still time ta do it...

  6. And here I almost wanted to kill you for a second. Shame really.
  7. OooooOOoooo. Ya said ah lot an' said nuthin'. Bravo!

    *golf claps*

  8. I might have guessed what's going on, but it tells me little to nothing as to the myriad of possible pasts you have.
  9. An' now ya know wha' happened ta me. *no she doesn't*

  10. No, they're not.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 44
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