Conversation Between Glen Hawkins and Kara Hawkins

8 Visitor Messages

  1. two are... so... ugh.
  2. Truthfully, your mother does. I am the one who thought it meant "to cut into triangles".

    I guess I won't be triangulating your sandwiches any more.

  3. Good one, pops. Like mom even knows the meaning of the word "Triangulate".

  4. What do you mean back to Arizona?

    Kara, where -

    What -

    Stay right there. Your mother is triangulating your IP Address. I'm coming to get you.

    Stay. Right. There.

  5. Oh fuck's sake.... I don't have any shore leave saved up, yet! And trying to get a jet back to Arizona...

    I have said too much.
  6. N-


    ..I see.

  7. ...Never?

    I've got a job now! I save the world and stuff.
  8. We miss you, sweetheart.

    When are you coming home?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8