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  1. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Matt

    (Matt writes Telan Desaria)

    When did you first see a Star Wars movie, and what movie was it?

    Epsiode IV, as a boy. Perhaps six or seven. I was entranced by the Empire then and there.

    Do you have any sort of Star Wars merchandise collection, and if so, what is your favorite piece?

    I have a a few models of Imperial war machines, but that's it.

    Are you excited about Disney making Star Wars Anthology movies? Who do you want a spin-off
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  2. Between Two Interrogation Droids: MA7-E4

    I recently sat down with the droid MA7-E4 for a talk about her "life" among the Jedi. Here is a transcript of our discussion on...Between Two Interrogation Droids

    What is your main motivation to get up...uh... switch on? in the morning?

    This unit has a subroutine that boots at the beginning of each day.


    Is this inquiry meant to be of a more existential nature? This unit is familiar with the concept of philosophy and

    Updated May 16th, 2015 at 10:17:10 AM by Lilaena De'Ville

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  3. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Justin

    (Justin writes Wei Wu Wei)

    When did you first see a Star Wars movie, and what movie was it?

    My first Star Wars movie was A New Hope. I saw it when I was 10.

    Do you have any sort of Star Wars merchandise collection, and if so, what is your favorite piece?

    Most of my Star Wars stuff consists of books. I have particularly loved the X-Wing Series.

    Are you excited about Disney making Star Wars movies? Who do you want them to do a spin-off movie ...
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  4. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Ndonsa

    I recently sat down with Jedi Padawan Ndonsa, for a quick chat about her life with the Jedi. Below is a transcript of our interview on...Between Two Interrogation Droids

    You grew up in a society that's very different from the Jedi way of life. What about life on Ossus have you found most difficult to adjust to?

    It is difficult to not be in charge. Even if I was never fully shaman, I was training to be shaman and my tribe and the tribes around us knew me. This is
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  5. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Mitch

    (Mitch writes Tevit Ramastan and Halajiin Rabeak, among others)

    When did you first see a Star Wars movie, and what movie was it?

    I'm not entirely sure. I knew about Star Wars, and the characters, before I ever really remember seeing the movies, as the neighborhood kids liked to play. I think the first time I recall actually watching a Star Wars movie was when I was perhaps five, and it was The Empire Strikes Back, on VHS. To be honest, I don't recall getting that
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