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Name: Unknown Code Name: Greel Nationality: American Age: 18 Alliance: None. Has yet to met any other mutants.

Powers: Able to change all or part of his body into a blank jell-like substance. The goo parts of his body are highly durable and incredable strong. He seems to be able to control the goo when torn from his body and reatach as well. The goo has been known to change from acid to non acidic as well. It seems that he has a form of regeneration as well as he has replaced goo that has been destroyed.

Weakness: It cause Greel great pain when pieces of himself of trn off. During this time he has trouble focusing his powers. Even though Greel can regenerate lost pieces of himself it leave him very depleted. Extreme cold seems to stop his ability to change forms and cause his goo form to solidify and become extremly brittle.

Bio: Greel is a kid trying to come to grips with what is currently is. He has gone from star student, to mutant, to runaway, to outcast in only little a year. He stared out as a Star student at his local high school. After he found out about his powers he started to keep to himself and drift away from friends and family.

He learned a hard lession after that. Aways look both ways when crossing the street. When hit by a car he splattered into his tar like form in the middle of the street with people looking. He ran away. Just like when he ran away from his friends when he got his powers, he ran away when he was 'outed'. Kids are cruel with long memories though. An old school 'chum' saw him when Greel was sleeping in the park. A fight broke out with Greel using his powers to restain the other boy. Greel learned a little more about hi spowers that day. In the heat of the moment his turned acidic and ate away a good chuck of the boy's body as well as the boy's skin. Greel had killed another. He did what he was used to again. He ran away.

Greel is coming to terms with himself now. He is being taught control by his mentor Slab. He understands that even though it was not his faught the boy died, but he has to own up to he needs to control his powers. Stop running and do what needs to be done.

Greel wants to be an X-Man, but doesn't know where to start. His powers are not real 'user friendly' and is worried on the path before him. He has a strong dislike for how he was treated and is starting to wonder if maybe The Brotherhood is right on some things.