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Thread: Recalling the Guild: Zephyr

  1. #1
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Soft on the inside, crunchy on the outside!

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    Recalling the Guild: Zephyr

    The big Falleen bounty hunter Ecks lounged in Cloud City. He was waiting for a mark to get out into the open from the guarded hotel they were hiding at, but he had time to kill. So he'd made a few calls about the rebuilding of the Bounty Hunters Guild, and made an appointment to speak with Zephyr.

    A new hunter, he'd heard good things. But the new guys needed to embrace the Guild as well, or they'd be mowed down by it.

    The Guild wouldn't like pretenders running around spoiling bounties.

    Ecks smiled at a leggy Zeltron who fluttered her eyelashes at him and scampered off. Zephyr should arrive any moment now.

    let the bodies hit the floor

  2. #2
    The darkness hid many things, but in the Outer Rim it hid horrible things. Zephyr was one of those horrible things. Between the stand of bars, hotels, lounges, and other establishments rested alleys of sorts. Cloud City was built in a very unique way, lit with beauty and glamor, but there were still points of rest for the vile. Zephyr was there, hands high, holding tight on his or her favorite tool of hiding; the mask. Over a few standard months the mask had become infamous.

    Big and small names had found themselves profit from the mask. Some unfortunate others had been left facing the mask, and deep in debt. It was all a matter of the mask, and it clicked on like it always did, silently. Then, in the quiet under tones of the city's bustle, Zephyr stepped out into the light of the streets and stepped off. Amidst the crowd of humans and inhumans the hunter blended perfectly.

    Only the destination reveal Zephyr. The infamous mask popped out of the crowd, entering the lounge with cool precision, before giving only a nod at the security. No one dare intrude on the being's work. Renown had left whispers, and these whispers were always about how silent Zephyr moved. There was little communication, so this occasion would be a rare one indeed.

    Off in the distance sat Ecks, and he would be one of the first to truly exchange any words with this newly praised hunter. No words came out of the hunter's mask, though, as Zephyr came to a halt. All there was between the two bounty hunters was silence. Thick, strong, hard, and careful silence.

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Soft on the inside, crunchy on the outside!

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    Ecks grunted. "You've heard the rumors about the Guild starting up again." It wasn't a question.

    The silent mask across from him nodded, slowly.

    "Your name came up when we were talking about up and coming Hunters. Like to hear what you think about a new Bounty Hunters Guild."

  4. #4
    Not word, initially. There was no need for an immediate reply. Ecks words held in the air for a second, suspending, before Zephyr took a hold. The automated, mechanic, distorted, yet ever clear voice edged out the mask.

    "I'm here."

    Behind the mask there was a blink, but nothing more. The act had to be perfect and serious, yet blank. Emotions could be an asset for the popolus, but not for a menace.

  5. #5
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Soft on the inside, crunchy on the outside!

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
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    Ecks frowned, skewering the masked Hunter with his glaring eye. "That's no kind of answer."

  6. #6
    Air flushed out in clouds from the vents on Zephyr's golden helm. No words again. The hunter was silent. Scrabble of men and women behind kept the quiet less obvious, but it was still potent. There was no escape, Zephyr would have to talk more.

    This was not part of the job.

    With enough huff, and puff of smoke, the distorted voice scratched out once more a few words in basic.

    "I wouldn't have shown if not ready to join, Falleen."


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