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Thread: The Devils in the Details: Past Debts, Part 2

  1. #1
    The Message

    Complete The Devils in the Details: Past Debts, Part 2

    The droid chirped, or what could have been a chirp. Audio servos grinded within its rusted shell causing any sound attempted to be uncomfortably high pitched and distorted. Flecks of rust peppered the duracreet walkway of the Pendi Coruscanti market. The small droid floated, zig-zagging through the crowds, oblivious to its deteriorating condition. The devices brain, a series of processors and circuitry, was otherwise preoccupied with its priority objective. So much that it failed to notice the hover craft bearing down on it. It was an audible crunch, not the ear drum breaking chirps of broken servo's, that grabbed the attention of several passerby's mustering about the market. Heads pivoted and followed in mock wonder at the tumbling ball of rust flying through the air.

    A small tail of debris danced along cracked tiled flooring after the droid had made its smashing entrance through the window. A rather elegant office window in the ownership of an even more elegant woman. The droid rolled lifelessly over the floor its momentum carrying it to the feet of a rather unimpressed occupant.

    Internal systems reboot...
    //Core Check...
    //Activating backups. Online.

    The droids dead sphere suddenly came to life in a dazzling display of lights and instruments only to dim and die. Again it sprang to life this time jumping several feet into the air. Through grinding gears and sizzling circuitry it held in place hovering face to face, or more accurately, sensory node to face.

    "Sasseeri Reeouurra?" Its emitters bleeped, various radar cones flipping out and swiveling back and forth trying to confirm the identity of its target.
    Last edited by The Message; Jun 17th, 2016 at 05:35:09 PM.

  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    120 pounds of tail, claws, and libido. She's like a slice of delicious, poisonous pie, with extra carnal sauce.

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    Sasseeri Reeouurra's Avatar
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    "What the frrrrell," growled the half-Cizerack felinoid, her ice blue eyes narrowing in irritation at the interruption. Slamming her lap computer shut on a shirtless picture of Sanis Prent, Sasseeri Reeouurra glared at the malfunctioning droid.

    "jI thought jI got rrrjid of you." The doors to her office slammed open and her security detail ran in, blasters pointed at the rusty intruder. A few hurried to the broken window where they peered out and around, just in case there was a speeder hanging around outside.

    She waved the meatheads away. "Someone get jin touch wjith ourrr contact jin jImpjIntel. jI need to know jif Grrrand jInqujistjitorrr Tearrr jis back."

    you make me come... you make me complete...
    you make me completely miserable

  3. #3
    The Message
    "Someone get jin touch wjith ourrr contact jin jImpjIntel. jI need to know jif Grrrand jInqujistjitorrr Tearrr jis back."

    "Most unnecessary I assure you my dear." The disembodied voice, however badly garbled and metallic, wasn't familiar to the half-Cizerack. Before Sasseeri could question the droid its forward emitters sparked to life projecting a hologram of an Inquisitoriate officer.

    "The Grand Inquisitor is still ...absent currently, much to your disappointment no doubt. However his bank account is still here and we have noticed a surprising lack of credits being transferred into it. Incidently the credits absent are supposed to be coming from you." The room shook suddenly and violently, sending anything not nailed down to a crashing pile on the floor.

    "Now before you go making excuses for yourself regarding any terms between you and the Grand Inquisitor. Let me make it clear that is of no concern to us. That being said the credits in question are substantial, especially if interest is added to the equation. However, there may be a way for you to clear this debt. We would even go so far as to let you keep the money thats owed. That is if you would do us a small favor? On top of your building waits a shuttle that has just landed. I will elaborate on this favor more in person and please be punctual Miss. Reeouurra." The officer bowed his head slightly in finishing and the hologram phased out.

    Before Sasseeri Reeouurra could vent her frustrations on the guards nearby the droid shot into the air suddenly. Leveling itself it came face to face with the seductively tall female.

    "Inquisitoriate priority emphasizes this is not a request to dwell on. The shuttle awaits madam." The droids voice still cracked with malfunctioning high pitched squeaks and elongated words, that would make even a DJ's bass system shudder, but the point behind the message was clear.

  4. #4
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    120 pounds of tail, claws, and libido. She's like a slice of delicious, poisonous pie, with extra carnal sauce.

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    "Fjine," Sasseeri growled, her fingernails clawing into her desk. "jI'll be rrrjight therrre."

    She grabbed her jacket and Tock, one of her set of twin Twi'lek bodyguards. He towered over her slight 5'4" frame as he shadowed her out the door and up to the roof.

  5. #5
    The Message
    The ramp up into the Imperial shuttle was flanked on each side by two Inquisitor soldiers. Their faces masked behind a helm of black, much like the rest of their armor, which had a single red stripe leading down their left side. Although their faces were hidden, it was obvious they were tracking the tall twi'lek body guard with a suspicious interest.

    Inside the shuttle it was much of the same. Another four Inquisitorial soldiers stood ready at Sasseeri's arrival. Once inside the shuttle the other soldiers outside fell in line and quickly filed into the shuttle pinning the Vigo between a total of eight Inquisitor soldiers.

    "Fine piece of tail that one is eh?" The soldiers voice came through clear to every headset all the Inquisitors were wearing inside their helmets but to Sasseeri and the twi'lek the group remained silent.

    "Literally. Although, I don't think she trusts us check out tentacle head here." One of the soldiers nodded his head toward the twi'lek however silent they were the gesture was an obvious one.

    "Over paid muscle." The group chuckled.

    "Quit the chatter. Offer the lady a seat and lets get this boat in the air. Copy that helm?" The leader of the squad was barely distinguishable from the rest with only an added red stripe that circled the armor around his neck. Behind him, the clumsy droid that had delivered the message floated inside the shuttle. Squeaking in fear as the large ramp slammed shut just behind it with a hissing seal.

    "Copy, ramp retracted. Lifting off now Colonel." The pilot responded. The shuttle hummed smoothly with the lift off before bolting in a lazy arc toward orbit.

    "Should we take that goon out?"

    "Negative. Let the half breed have her false sense of security. Orders are she is to be delivered to Inquisitor Mephis."

    The voice of one of the soldiers cracked electronically through his helmet, "For your comfort." His hand waved toward one of the more suitable looking seats in the shuttle. The marks and scrapes inside made it very evident the ship had seem combat more then once and was not a ship of luxury. Something Sasseeri seemed keenly aware of as she sat down into the seat with a curled lip of disdain.

    The trip was short. Out of the view port the sight of their destination was clear. A large cluster of Imperial Star destroyers sat isolated from the mainstay Imperial fleet that guarded Coruscant. Even so, as they approached the small task force there was a wonder of fleet traffic. It looked like some silvery gray hive of bees with shuttles hoping from ship to ship only to stream in short convoys toward the rest of the fleet or down to Coruscant itself. As the shuttle slid past the normal shipping lanes the other ships were using they past over the hulls of several of the Star Destroyers. If the Vigo had bothered to peer down she would have seen their hulls were badly scarred. Masses of charred and twisted metal dotted the hulls where turbolaser turrets normally would have towered proudly. Wherever this task force had been they had seen fierce battle.

    Past the blue hue of landing bay shields the shuttle glided to a full stop with barely a lurch to hint they had landed. The ramp retracted filling the shuttle with the hustling noise of the landing area. Deck crews, maintenance teams, Cargo captains, and the odd Imperial officer covered the deck in what was probably organized chaos. At the bottom of the ramp stood an officer in black with a familiar red stripe down his left side.

    "Watch your step Miss. Reeouurra. I must apologize for the state of things but time is short." The last few words of his sentence were dulled with a loud clang of metal falling heavily against metal. The parade of Inquisitor soldiers flanking Sasseeri made a zig-zagging path, through various clusters of work and debris, toward a set of large blast doors leading out. Through it all The Vigo took a benign interest in the surroundings. After all most of it looked like fairly normal operations, or what was probably normal, for an Imperial ship. But something was off, most of the officers were glancing away, their voices kept low as her group past.

    "Inquisitor Dalr your orders. Make sure the Captain of the Unbreakable relieves his command before this time. If he does not, take control of the ship under this protocol. We are counting on you Dalr. Do not fail us."

    "Aye sir. I won't sir."

    What was obviously Inquisitor Dalr took the black envelope handed to him by his superior and followed with a sharp salute. His eyes darted briefly to Sasseeri's and he swallowed. Almost nervously she thought trying to hide her perked ears as she eaves dropped on the two officers.

    Logically, the first hallway they entered looked much like the rest of the ship. Various bulkheads were under maintenance with work crews running by feverishly. She nearly tripped twice into gaping holes in the floor where the deck plating had been removed for maintenance. The trip up several decks in an elevator, however brief, was less then comfortable with Sasseeri encircled by the eight Inquisitor soldiers and squeezed close to her bodyguard.

    Finally she was admitted to a large meeting room which was a stark contrast to much of the ship. It displayed more of the Empire proper that she knew with a elaborately large and polished obsidian table flanked by perfectly set rows of leather chairs. At the head of the table stood yet another Inquisitor although this one stood out against the fifteen or so she had seen on her way up. This ones uniform was full crimson and around his collar were several rings of gold.

    "Sasseeri, I trust your trip was pleasant?" The Inquisitor failed to turn around as he spoke.

  6. #6
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    120 pounds of tail, claws, and libido. She's like a slice of delicious, poisonous pie, with extra carnal sauce.

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    Sasseeri sat gingerly in the shuttle, Tock standing nearby. She touched a scar on the bulkhead, inspecting her fingertips. Carbon scoring. Once in orbit around Coruscant other clues were readily available. There was a smaller task force separated from the larger Imperial fleet, and it seemed to have seen some heavy action.

    She didn't bother straining to look out the viewports at the ships, adjusting her mini skirt instead as she perched on the edge of the dirty seat. The shuttle entered a landing bay, and the Vigo's ears perked up.

    Out of the shuttle, greeted by an Inquisitor, 'escorted' through the Star Destroyer... Sasseeri tottered a little in her heels as Tock steered her around a hole in the deck plating, but she tried to keep her eyes and ears open without appearing to take much of an interest in her surroundings. She didn't like this, not one bit. But then, she didn't have a choice. Did she.

    In a large meeting hall she was separated from Tock, who was made to wait outside the door. Inside, she appreciated the opulence of the simple decor, but her attention was centered on the man in the crimson uniform.

    "Sasseeri, I trust your trip was pleasant?"

    He didn't turn around, choosing instead to continue staring at whatever it was he was looking at. Trying to make her feel small. Sasseeri squared her slim shoulders and cocked her head defiantly. Then she straightened up and put a pleasant expression on her face. "As pleasant as could be expected frrrom a grrroup of trrrooperrrs."

    She bared her teeth in what might have been interpeted as a smile, had he turned around. "But jit you werrre overrrly concerrrned about my comforrrt, we could be havjing thjis converrrsatjion jin my offjice."

  7. #7
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    A deep thud resounded from the corridor outside the room causing the thick obsidian table to tremble beneath Sasseeri's clawed finger tips. Inquisitor Mephis turned with a slight jump from his silent watch of the viewport. The pair glanced at each other curiously then toward the door that opened with the grind of sliding metal.

    Inquisitor Mephis's eyes widened suddenly and he barely had time to leap to the ground as the ragged body of a bloodied Twi'lek flew over head to slam with a resounding crack against the durasteel viewport.

    "Sasseeri." Tear entered the room casually craning his neck to the side as if to pull out a cramp in his shoulder. "It has been far too long. May I introduce you to an associate of mine? Sasseeri this is Hera, a longstanding guest of the Inquisitors. Hera this is Sasseeri Reeouurra, famed business woman of Coruscant's elaborate Nabooian Queen casino."

    The Grand Inquisitor peered around the table to see Mephis picking himself up off the ground. "You may leave us Inquisitor."

  8. #8
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    Been wondering whatever happened to Master Yoghurt? Check her pockets.
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    As Tear spoke, Hera drew 'Morta' and ignited it. With a thrill of rebellion, she thrust the lightsaber deep into the Grand Inquisitor's belly and twisted upwards, ploughing a hideous rift through his center. His eyes widened, more angry at her dared insolence than pained from the wound itself - yet his fury burned impotently. Withdrawing the blade, Hera watched with pleasure as Tear dropped to his knees, his mouth moving as if to speak but unable to voice any sound, and finally pitching forward to fall with an ignoble thump to the ground..

    "Reeouurra" Hera responded without enthusiasm. Tear had made his introductions and her fantasy of violence disapated into the present, unhappy circumstance - the object of her contempt standing strong and whole, and completely arrogant, beside her.

    Tear had tossed the unfortunate Twi'lek body guard with as much effort as he would a ragdoll halfway across the room, giving the other officer a start. It would have been amusing had Hera not been in such a foul mood. As Mephis exited, Sasseeri, apparently the latest poodle brought to jump through the Grand Inquisitor's hoops, looked just as unhappy to be there as Hera did. Not that Hera cared. The Sith couldn't bring herself to feign even the smallest amount of interest in the Cizerack, or what Tear was currently orchestrating. She had her mind on other things. Darker things. Throughout her being she could feel the darkside stirring, strengths that had long lain dormant were waking - and had been for some time.

    The days of her own hoop-jumping would only be lasting just so much longer.
    Last edited by Hera; Dec 12th, 2008 at 08:59:06 PM.

  9. #9
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    120 pounds of tail, claws, and libido. She's like a slice of delicious, poisonous pie, with extra carnal sauce.

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    Sasseeri pursed her lips, her blue eyes sharpening at the abuse of her bodyguard. Tok moved a little where he lay, but did not groan or make any other noises. Sometimes she thought that the twins were mutes. It was enough to know that he was alive, and after a moment, as the Grand Inquisitor made his introductions, the Twi'lek got to his feet and stood, bleeding from his head and sensitive lekku.

    "Charrrmed, jI'm surrre," she snapped. "jI do not apprrrecjiate yourrr manhandljing of my employee, Grrrand jInqujisjitorrr." She folded her arms, one hip sticking out just slightly. "jI am rrready to make thjings rrrjight between us, but you'rrre not makjing thjis easy."

    She knew what shaky ground she was standing on, outnumbered and her bodyguard injured, though how severely she could not tell. Tok wasn't doing much more than standing slightly stooped in front of the viewport. Dislocated shoulder at the least, from the way he was standing. His eyes were fixed on the two Inquisitors, or Inquisitor and guest, whatever the frell that meant.

    Sasseeri eyed the female, a tall, leggy blonde who looked bored. She only looked bored though, Sasseeri could tell when someone was putting on a show. And Tear... he was different. Wilder. More unpredictable.


    It would take some quick talking to get out of here alive.

  10. #10
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    Tear's eyes shrunk to slits with a sharp scowl being cast in Sasseri's direction. "You must accept my sincere apologies." His voice tingled with the hint of anger as he made a flourishing shallow bow.

    "And now that pleasantries are out of the way we will move to the pressing matter of business. You are no doubt aware of the fact you have backed out of our arrangement. I can only assume that in my absence you thought yourself no longer obligated to hold up your end of the deal." The Inquisitor took a step forward toward the Cizerack. The bloodied twi'lek probably would have moved to intercept but in his condition merely flinched with the instinct of his imaginary action. The twitch didn't go unnoticed and the Inquisitor quickly became aware of the twi'leks disapproving, beady eyed stare.

    "Keep it." Tear took another smooth step forward. His challenging eyes drifted to meet those of the glowering Twi'lek. The body guard quickly took the hint and decidedly looked else where. "Keep all that is owed but in trade I would like you to do something for me. To find someone. A freshly escaped terrorist from Coruscant named Lilaena De'ville."

    The Inquisitor moved a gloved hand toward Sasseeri but at the last moment veered to the right and tapped a small near invisible button on the black table. A small holo projected into air showing all vital data pertaining to the woman at large, including the large bounty.

    "I don't care how its done but I want this woman found."

  11. #11
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    120 pounds of tail, claws, and libido. She's like a slice of delicious, poisonous pie, with extra carnal sauce.

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    She didn't flinch, didn't let her cool blue eyes look away from his crazy red ones. They hadn't been red before. Sasseeri raised her chin a little as Tear got closer.

    She also saved her questions. Like, how am jI supposed to fjind a woman that hasn't been found despjite the huge bounty on herrr head, or what the frrrell djid she do to you? Pee jin yourrr corrrnflakes? No, she did not ask any questions.

    Sasseeri only nodded. "jI'll fjind herrr forrr you." She didn't need to capture the woman, only find her. And even the employees of her legitimate enterprises were experts at locating people. After all, casinos often had people try to skip out on the debts owed the house.

    And the house always wins. "And afterrr that, we arrre good?"

  12. #12
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    For the first time since his arrival at Coruscant the Inquisitor's lips twitched to something entirely foreign, a smile. Sasseeri had pleased him. The funds she had provided over the years from her operations had played a large part in securing unauthorized activities that had taken up much of the Grand Inquisitors time. Ironically his next task was to find a terrorist his Inquisitors had lost. As the force would have it, the credits suddenly stopped at the same time he began contemplating how to find the unfindable. He had nearly forgotten about little Sasseeri Reeouurra and her criminal enterprise. It was a sign. Reeouurra would play her part in Tears grand web and another piece would be put into place.

    "Of course." His voice was the devil himself and his lips lied just as easily.

    The Grand Inquisitor's wrist beeped. "Sir. The announcement is taking place."

    "Ah, I nearly forgot." Nimble fingers drummed a second time over the near invisible panel on the table changing the holo display. The holo expanded, displaying grand banners draped over long pillars of the Imperial assembly hall. At its center stage was a collection of unique individuals, one of which Sorsha Kasajian, would stand out to Sasseeri like slicer in one of her casinos.

    "Looks like the last Tarkin is finally announcing her new position as Empress and If im not mistaken..." He squinted briefly at the holo, tapping a button to zoom in near Miranda. Then with sly grin turned to Sasseeri, "...Her new hand is making an appearance as well. You two are old acquaintances are you not?"

    He danced around the subject knowing full well the inclination of Sorsha having the backing the Empress. From his sources Sorsha and Sasseeri had an unfortunate history together.

    Tear may have been absent from the Empire as a whole for a few years now but his control over it had not diminished. The Inquisitoriate, even under command of Valten, were still crawling with men and women who had pledged their lives to him in servitude. His spies did well to keep tabs on all the major players who came to play on the grand stage that was the Empire. In particular Miranda Tarkin and her not so well kept secret affair with Kasajian. Even the adopting of her as the Empress new hand. It was laughable, the Inquisitor thought with a mild chuckle, his arms folded across his chest in contempt, as he watched Miranda's speech and the uproar of its finale.

    On the bridge of the ship he had a team of Inquisitors analyzing every portion and angle of the holo feed. Weeding through the crowd to find the dissenting voices, the shouts of objection, the opposed and angry faces of Moffs, Governors, and Senate members. Each individual was being profiled for their rank and value as possible threats to the new Empress. If value X and Z equaled or were greater then Z the individual was deemed as 'qualified'. If found qualified a group of Inquisitor soldiers under Tear's command would be waiting for them outside the assembly building. The individuals would be quickly escorted to various vessels in waiting and then transported to a small Imperial fleet sitting in Coruscant's orbit. The same battle torn fleet Sasseeri had traveled toward.

    There on board the Inquisitors ship, approximately five decks below this one, another meeting would soon take place. A meeting of like minded individuals protesting the new elevation and selection of Empress Miranda Tarkin. A new council, a secret one, would come into existence.

    It would all happen as he had foreseen

  13. #13
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    120 pounds of tail, claws, and libido. She's like a slice of delicious, poisonous pie, with extra carnal sauce.

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    The holo covered the entire table top, revealing the interior of the Imperial senate (or what had been the Imperial senate, before Palpatine had disbanded it). She frowned slightly at the Grand Inquisitor's words, and then the holo sharpened and enlarged again.

    Sasseeri's hand tighted on the back of the chair she was standing by, tightened to the point that she snapped a fingernail on the smooth metal. Sorrrsha! That Black Nebula whore. And with a position at the right hand of the new empress. Miranda Tarrrkjin. Sasseeri's eyes narrowed into blue glints.

    "...And I will respectfully accept this great honor bestowed upon me before all of our people in one standard hours time."

    She ground her teeth. Suddenly Sorsha's successes as a Vigo of Black Sun, and now as head of rival Black Nebula, made sense. She was being backed by the very powerful Tarkin family all along. Riveted by the holo, she slowly realized that the Grand Insquisitor had asked her a question.

    "jI know Kasajian, yes," she bit out, masking her sudden and complete fury with stonefaced resolve and firey eyes.

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    The holovid announcement had succeeded in drawing Hera's interest back into the current conversation, if only briefly. The Sith tended to only ever give her full attention to matters that directly effected her, and, while the revelation of a new Empress of the galaxy was monumental in and of itself, its direct correllation to Hera and her mitigating circumstances was minimal, if not non-existant. Apart from the fact that the Imperials had shown surprisingly good judgement in placing a female in charge of things - as far as she could see, this altered her predicament not at all.

    Tarkin's speech - peppered with just the right amount of Empire cheerleading and Jedi fear-mongering was a sublime effort of content and execution. It raised quite a stir amongst those present, creating a metaphorical gasp which sent many of the opposers into a flurry of consternation and outcry. The Inquisitors stood in a row, stony-faced and implaccable. A wall of impenetrability between Miranda Tarkin and the portion of dissenting Moffs below her. And there was Valten, conspicious in his place of distinction on the dais. Well, isn't that a career maker, Hera mused. Wonder what golden boy here thinks about that? She eyed Tear askance. Does he care that the handsome Valten stands pride of place beside the Empress? Or perhaps he sent Karl there and is overjoyed at the new development. For all Hera knew, Tear had probably helped plan the big surprise. It was hard to tell, to read anything from a look. Tear's eyes were so weird.

    Sasseeri, however, did not look too pleased at all - and this came as no surprise to the Grand Inquisitor. He had played his hand perfectly and could not hide the satisfaction from his smile. The cunning dog.

    Hera contented herself with the mild amusement of Reeouurra's anger and waited for the explosion she felt sure would come. In the interim, she studied the faces on the dais - Valten's, Kasajian's, Anar's and most closely, the new Empress Tarkin's. Hera wondered what thoughts were going through their minds and if this new regime would prove better or worse than the last.

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    "Oh good." Tears eyes flicked briefly to the source of the short cracking sound, taking note of Sasseeri's snapped finger nail. Despite her unflinching resolve to keep her emotions veiled.

    It was enticing, maybe even intoxicating, her anger, the pure malice, he could sense it all through the force. The hatred radiated from her in rippling waves that broke against him, clinging to his body like fingers of smoke, he reveled in it, savoring the taste. Not that anyone else would notice, to them, the inquisitor would still be standing tall, a small tug pulling at the corner of his lip in a sly grin while his arms remained crossed.

    "Then you will understand why you will remain on board this ship until your job is done. This station..." For a third time he dialed into the black pad on the table causing the majority of it to light up in, illuminating a veritable quantity of keys in a soft blue hue. "is fully setup for communications and the database is at your mercy. More or less. Should you have any additional requests Inquisitor Mephis will be at your mercy."

    No doubt the cizerack believed she could keep herself protected within her fortified and towering casinos. With her security force, hired mercenary's, and various other thugs at her disposal. Tear didn't doubt her capability in protecting herself but he couldn't take the chance of losing her before Lilaena was found. For now she was a prized asset and would be treated as such.

    "There will be a dinner later as well. You are invited and I hope you will grace us with your presence as it is always most stunning."

  16. #16
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    120 pounds of tail, claws, and libido. She's like a slice of delicious, poisonous pie, with extra carnal sauce.

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    Her tail twitched, and Sasseeri tore her eyes away from the table where the holo of Kasajian had disappeared. Stay herrre?! Neverrr! But she did not question the Inquisitor with the crazy eyes, knowing that to do so would most likely be professional and personal suicide. He had the power, if not to shut down Black Sun completely, then to make life extremely difficult.

    No wonder Xizor's life had been so short.

    "Do not touch my bodyguarrrd agajin," she said. "Good help jis harrrd to fjind." She couldn't stay here. Although... perhaps there was a way to use this to her advantage.

    There usually was.

    She smiled, exposing her flat, omniverous teeth. "jI am always hungrrry..." This bitch Lilaena whoever she was wouldn't hide for long and then Sasseeri would be free of this tin can. Somehow she knew that she wouldn't be totally free for a long, long time.

  17. #17
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    Been wondering whatever happened to Master Yoghurt? Check her pockets.
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    At the mention of food, Hera suddenly brightened. She remembered another time she'd joined the Imperials for a meal and fondly recalled how she'd taken the opportunity to try stab Helghast in the chest with a table knife. The attempt had been thwarted, of course, these are Imperials after all and not entirely incompetent. Her amusment remained, however. And the hope that there may yet be further opportunities..

    "Im hungry, too" she announced, if anyone cared.

    A nerve near Tear's eye twitched slightly, as if until she'd spoken he had quite forgotten Hera was even there. Perhaps he'd been enjoying himself too much at the Cizerack's expense.

    "In fact" she continued, "I cant remember when I last ate. I hear having children can do that to people" she sniped sarcastically.

    "Are we done with the bullying for the moment, Grand Inquisitor?"

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    Women, Tear thought sourly.

    "Not a finger." It was a poor choice of words on Sasseeri's part. Starting with little more then a passing glance toward the twi'lek bodyguard, but a look was all it took. To the Twi'lek's credit he only let slide a mild hiss of discomfort as his lekku curled agonizingly and his hands clawed with desperation at his neck. It was a hideous thing to feel yourself begin to suffocate.

    Tear turned, giving his back to Sasseeri as he made his way out of the room. His stride took him quickly past Hera snubbing her comments completely, well almost, a curt "Follow." was spat in her direction, the taste of annoyance still lingering in his voice. Outside the room the eight soldiers were still standing guard and would continue to do so as Sasseeri's very own escort while she remained on board. They would keep her safe from herself for the most part. Allowing her to wander the ships free decks while keeping her away from those that were restricted.

    "Grand Inquisitor." The colonel stepped forward from the group. Unclasping his helmet, it was quickly pulled off and tucked beneath his left arm. "Arrangements you requested earlier have been readied."

    "Good. Colonel, inside there's a twi'lek who will likely appreciate a bacta bath. See to it." Tear canted his head toward the door where several loud, and much needed, gasps of air escaped from inside the room. Although the bodyguard was left living Tear hoped the next time Sasseeri would contemplate any consequences before making a demand of him again.

  19. #19
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    120 pounds of tail, claws, and libido. She's like a slice of delicious, poisonous pie, with extra carnal sauce.

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Sasseeri Reeouurra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Sasseeri let her eyes watch the pair of Imperials leave, and she turned to glare at Tok, who was on his knees, gasping for air, his white flesh ashen. "Useless!" she sniped, striding to a viewport, but not near the wounded bodyguard.

    After a moment the doors opened again and Tok was escorted out. She didn't know if they were taking him out to be shot or to be healed. At this point, he wasn't much use to her anyway. But it irritated her that the Grand Inquisitor would take such liberties with her employee, and still expect her to assist him.

    She could not refuse, not while she was a prisoner (in all but name, yes) on Tear's starship. After Tok was dragged out, his legs weak, she stalked to the table, activating the comm system and calling up Olorin.

  20. #20
    "What do you mean, 'she's not here?'" I strode into Sassy's office, taking note of smashed and broken window. Droids were already beginning the repair, removing all of the remaining broken pieces of glass in preparation for the installation.

    "She left about an hour and a half ago," spluttered the secretary, Sa'lee or something. Who knew, these days, Sassy had three or four of them and they were all short, skinny, brunette humans. Cute, too. This one had freckles.

    "Left?" I tried not to raise my voice. "I had to cover for her in front of Jaarhu's delegation!" So much for not raising my voice. "And what the frell happened to this window?!"

    "Uh," She paged through a datapad that she was clutching like it was a lifeline, "A droid came through it. And a... a shuttle was on the roof of the casino. She went on it, didn't tell us anything." The girl trembled and dropped the 'pad, and I realized I was glaring at her.

    With effort I smoothed my face. "A shuttle."

    "Uh... yes?" She knelt down, picking up the datapad and fishing for the stylus that had rolled away on the floor.

    My commlink vibrated, and I took it out, trying to smile at the girl, but she just flinched. Frelling Jaarhu and his drokking delegation. "Yeah?"

    "Shut up and ljisten. jI need you to look up everrrythjing you can fjind on a terrrrrrorrrjist named... Ljilaena De'Vjille."

    I blinked. "Okay." I moved to her holonet terminal, sitting at the big wood desk and tapping in my password.

    "Use my passworrrd," she said, as though she was watching me somehow. "Trrrrangorrr118g." She spelled it. Keys to the kingdom. Whatever was happening, it was big.

    My brain was having trouble switching gears. A simple search of the name brought up some news articles. Domestic terrorism, some dating back as far as ten years. One as recent as last year. Nothing in months. Nothing very big, and no real information. I said as much to Sasseeri.

    "Do an jindepth searrrch, all the usual channels." She paused. "We need to fjind herrr currrrrrent locatjion, orrr..."

    I paused, waiting for her to finish her thought, but she didn't. Fine. Suit yourself, Sassy. "Okay."

    "jI'll be jin touch agajin." The connection broke, leaving me staring at the commlink in my hand.

    Sa'lee dropped her datapad again, her face red.

    "someone win / someone lose / up's above and down's below
    and limbo's in between / up you win, down you lose / it's anybody's game

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