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Thread: Coruscant Tales: I got the blues soo bad

  1. #101
    Clive Jerrard

    (Clive drove the speeder to the garage situated two small levels above his shop. He parked the speeder inside and shut the door. His other speeder, the expensive one, was parked in the speeder slot next to the one they were in. Quikcly getting out of the car, both he and Raunkks proceeded to switch speeders.)

    (Clive opened the door for Sasserri.)

    Miss Reeouurra? This will be our new transportation for the evening.

    (He getsured towards his sporty speeder. He looked over to the other side as Raunkks was hauling Sanis out of the speeder they had just come in. He turned back to look at Sasserri.)

    I deeply regret this inconvenience, but I know a certain woman that was in the bar that could potentially be following any one of us. She's an Imp. No telling what she could be up to. And with the ID plates on speeders trackable, well, anything goes.

    (He watched as Raunkks began to stuff Sanis into the new speeder.)

  2. #102

    (Raunkks was already moving to get Sanis even before Clive had said anything. He was on the same wavelength as Clive, and well aware of how tracking proceedures went.)

    (He huffed slightly as he pulled Sanis from one speeder and stuffed him into the other.)

  3. #103
    Clive Jerrard

    (Clive moved to get into the new speeder. Then it hit him. The plates were trackable. The speeder they'd arrived in could be tracked to his name, then tracked to any other vehicle in his name. He bit his lower lip and waved a hand at Raunkks.)

    Raunkks! Hold up! We've got a slight prob.

    (Raunkks looked up, confused, holding a half in/half out Sanis.)

    Think about it. Tracers track the speeder. It can be tracked to my name. Then tracked to the new speeder.

    (He lifted the eyebrow over his good eye, indicating where he was going with this. He saw Raunkks huff a bit and then pull Sanis all the way out again. Clive turned to Sasserri again.)

    Change of plans. Ok, everyone back into the old speeder for a moment.

    (He saw the confusion register in Sasserri's eyes and hoped to the god's she wouldn't slice him to ribbons for making her do all this. But it was necessary. He turned to Raunkks.)

    Ok, Raunkks, take the snap shots with the photography holocubes in the glove compartment.

    (Raunkks did as he was told and took a picture of each person with a different holocube. After that, Clive pulled Sanis out of the speeder and began hauling him towards an adjoining garage door.)

    Miss Reeouura? If you will follow me please. Raunkks? You know what to do.

    (He heard Raunkks acknowledge him with a grunt.)

    (With that, Clive led the way to a speeder owned by a friend of his. He placed Sanis in the back and motioned for Sasserri to get in.)

    And, now, Miss Reeouurra, we will be on our way to our previous destination.

    (With that, he started the speeder and was off, taking a different route from the one he had followed before. No one would see who was inside because the window were heavily tinted. They would be gone and unseen.)

  4. #104

    (Raunkks cupped the trio of photography holocubes in his large hands and watched Clive disapear into the adjoining garage. Clive would no doubt borrow Tommy's, their neighbor, speeder. The "special" one that had a number plate with no tracker ID. Tommy tended to be in some shady business that required him to go from place to place unseen. Raunkks shrugged. Every man wanted his privacy. And, right now, so did they.)

    (Raunkks stood between the new and old speeder. He began to move back towards the old speeder to place the holocubes in their proper places when he stopped. No. If they were indeed being followed and were traced to here, they'd be expected to change speeders. So, coming out with the same speeder would seem suspicious. He grunted, whirling around, and strode purposefully towards the new speeder. Bending inside, he placed all three cubes in their proper places. He placed "Sanis" behind the passenger seat, and "Sasserri" behind the drivers seat. He himself sat in the passenger seat, with "Clive" in the drivers seat.)

    (From his belt he pulled out a small remote, easily hidden in his large hand. With it, he activated each of the holocubes. Now, sitting around him, were three other beings, looking very much alive. "Sasseerri" was leaning slightly forward as if giving directions to "Clive", who had his hands on the wheel. And "Sanis" was just slumped and looking very much the drunk-man's part.)

    (Satisfied that all was in good order, Raunkks started the vehicle with the remote and began driving it using the small joystick. The new speeder left the garage and headed in the opposite direction the real Clive had taken. With the holograms looking solid and life-like, with even their eyes blinking and mouths moving, it would be almost impossible to tell if they were fake.)

    (Raunkks smiled. If everything worked out, Clive would get Sasserri to her apartment safely, and he would lead the pursuers away from them. That was assuming there were any pursuers. But, better safe than sorry. The new speeder sped off into the night.)

  5. #105
    Sasseeri Reeouurra

    She wasn't just impressed. She was mighty impressed. Not only at the expertise and professionalism Jerrard showed, but also at his behavior. Nothing would have stood in his way, had he tried anything different, and it was surely not completely illogical to kidnap both herself and Sanis and get a handsome sum for their liberty. Yet that thought didn't even seem to have entered the one-eyed man's thoughts.

    He'd be rewarded for that, in some way - she'd see to that personally.

    This time, in the new speeder, she was sitting in the front, in the passenger seat next to Clive, while Sanis was stretched out in the back. Even if the tinted screens did not work, everyone would be looking for four, or at least three passengers, not just two.

    She started giving Clive instructions on how to reach her apartment, while from the back came a low, drunken mumbling from time to time.

  6. #106
    Morgan Evanar

    He shrugged indifferently at Jole, who seemed to be plying for sympathy. Probably on the "woman trouble" kick. Nah. I'll do it because it'll be interesting. I'd like to see that tall blonde wack him upside the head a few times for a laugh.

    "Hop on, and hold on. I take corners fast."

  7. #107
    Clive Jerrard

    (Clive followed the instructions Sasseeri gave him to the letter. It was still raining heavily outside, and quite dark, but he had no trouble seeing where he was going thanks to his enhanced, mechanical eye hidden beneath the one way eyepatch.)

    (He hoped Raunkks was doing alright. He knew the large Barabel was smart and would be just fine. Never the less, he'd feel better when he was back with the ol' brute again.)

    (He focused his mind back to his present task. Right now, he had to deliver Sasseeri and Sanis safely to the place Sasseeri directed him.)

  8. #108
    Eluna Thals

    (The speeder had stopped for a moment, making it easier for Eluna to catch up. However, after only a minute or so, the speeder started up again. Eluna could now see it down the skylanes as it pulled out of an intersection. Keeping her distance, Eluna continued pursuit. She wondered why the speeder made a quick stop a few minutes back, but couldn't be sure. Being cautious, Eluna approached close enough to the speeder to peer through the back window. Inside, she could see all of the original parties. Satisfied, she backed off, continuing pursuit from a distance. Whatever it was, it wasn't important.)

  9. #109
    Jole Zakath

    He climbed onto the back of the speeder-bike. This wasn't going as bad as he'd expected - Morgan seemed to have fallen for his little lie with no problem. And after all, it wasn't a complete lie - whatever "Luna" was, she was still the hottest thing on two legs he'd met in a long while, and he was damned if he'd just let her go away like that. The thought of the little bit of flimsy in his pocket waiting for him later when he'd have a minute for himself, made him grin. Sasseeri bickering or not, he'd definately follow this one up.

    The bike lurched forward, and Jole held on for dear life to the metal. Morgan definately hadn't joked when he'd said that he was taking corners fast. Oh well, as long as they didn't lose the trail...

    The speeder with Luna stayed ahead as they were flying through the streets. She stopped, for a second, to watch another speeder and its passengers, then she followed at a slow pace.

    Morgan and Jole followed not far behind, the rain soaking them down to their skin.

  10. #110
    Sasseeri Reeouurra

    It wasn't too long before she had directed Clive to her front door. Occasional glances over her shoulder didn't show any suspicious speeders in the traffic behind them, so she assumed that the way was clear.

    Sanis was still a drunken wreck in the back seat, his head lolling from side to side, mumbling broken words from time to time.

    Somehow, they'd have to get him out of the speeder, up the short flight of steps, and into the elevator. Further, she wouldn't need Clive's assistance, as in her private apartment, there would be one of her security people to lend a hand.

    Even without them, transporting Sanis around the place would be no problem. But that was something she didn't want Clive to know just yet - better for him to underestimate her real strength for now, keeping it as an advantage for the future, whatever that might bring.

    She told Clive to stop the speeder at the entrance to her apartment block, and he complied, agreeably. Climbing out of her seat, she got out, and critically scrutinized Sanis as he was lying there in the back. Then she flashed a smile at Clive.

    "jIf you would be so kjind as to help me brrrjing hjim jinsjide?"

  11. #111
    Clive Jerrard

    (Clive stopped the speeder outside of the building where Sasseeri had indicated. He'd memorized the route, but as of yet, found no need for it. All he knew now was that he knew where she lived. Good information, but as of yet, not profitable. Of course, she no doubt thought the thick sheet of rain outside had blocked most of his veiw of air way signs and numbers. Also, there was a good bet she was also keeping things from him, but in this kind of line of work from both repective parties, that was to be expected.)

    (Clive stopped the engine and climbed out of the speeder. He smiled and nodded slightly as Sasseeri once again requested his help.)

    Of course, my lady.

    (Clive opened the door and looked at Sanis. The man was smiling in a funny fashion, occasionally mummbling shibberish. He chuckled under his breath. Boy, Sanis looks dumb when he's drunk. He though for a moment. Then again, I'd probably look the same after the amount he drank. Shaking his head, he hoisted Sanis out of the speeder, keeping an eye on everything around him and making sure they weren't being followed. So far so good. He realized his space pirating instincts had kicked in through this entire little parading around. For the umpteenth time, he thanked the gods he had had the experience of being a professional space pirate. Goodness only knew how many times it had saved him and Raunkks.)

    (Hefting Sanis with his strong right droid arm, he walked to the door of the building, following behind Sasseeri. He waited there for her to unlock and activate the door.)

  12. #112
    Sasseeri Reeouurra

    She ran up ahead through the rain, and stepped close to the retinal scanner to open the door mechanism. The door didn't budge.

    Krasst! Not now! Damn rain was messing with the systems again! Everytime the humidity in the atmosphere was rising to such levels, the locking systems went mad.

    She stood outside the door - well, at least it was one step up from standing in the rain - and snarled. Then she reached for her comlink and alerted her house-staff to open the door from the inside.

    The door hissed, then opened. And Sasseeri walked inside, closely followed by Clive carrying the drunken Sanis. Thye got as far as the elevator, where she told Clive to dump Sanis into it. Then she turned around to him.

    "Thank you verrry much. jI apprrrecjiate yourrr help, and you can be assurrred that jI wjill pay you back forrr yourrr kjindness, Mjisterrr Jerrrrrrarrrd. Goodnjight."

    Wihtout another word, she stepped into the elevator, and the doors closed behind her.

  13. #113
    Rrraussorri Meerrassa

    Rrraussorri waited patiently, watching the lift make it's way to Sasseeri's main living area. A frown hung low on his face...

    Damn jit... Why do jI always get ignorrred?

    He couldn't help but keep wondering why his Mistress never paid him enough attention. He tried so hard to be exactly what she could want in any other manservant... He simply just wasn't Cizerack!! Could it repulse her so - wait, he shouldn't have asked himself that question.

    Rrraussorri, sometjimes, you should thjink before you thjink - Wajit, but then jif jI... He paused in mid-thought, baffled by the paradox which he had just entered himself into.

    The doors to the lift hissed open in front of him, leaving him burried deep in thoughts of the night's dutties. He'd get to help Sass with her bath... her massage... and then perhaps if she felt good, he'd get a before bed treat... though those always resulted in a second bath - not that he would complain. In fact, he loved it. Those were most likely the highlights of his evenings.

    His disposition suddenly made a drastically sharp turn as he glanced at the Hyuu-mann laying on the floor of the lift.

    Oh... jI see...

    He moved towards her, not showing his obvious jealous and immidiate despise for the creature.

    "May jI help you, Mistrrress Sasseeri?"

  14. #114
    Sanis Prent

    (Sanis leaned against the cool metal wall of the lift, letting the heat in his face dissipate. He stared upward at Sasseeri, and another person who he didn't recognize. Ever since he was shoved into the speeder, the night had passed as a blur. He was extremely confused. Where was he? Were they taking him to a place to stay? Sanis winced slightly...damn, shouldn't have had so much to drink.

    Sanis stared upwards at the two people, without a clue as to what was happening.)

    S'sseeri...what 'sgoin ohnnn?

  15. #115
    Clive Jerrard

    (Clive followed Sasseerri to the lift and did as she'd asked, dumping Sanis gently to the lift's floor. She seemed greatful enough when she was thanking him, but she also seemed in quite a bit of a hurry. Somehow, Clive had a bad feeling about this... for Sanis, seeing as how the man wasn't exactly able to think straight right now.)

    (He watched the lift door close as Sasserri bid him goodnight. He had all of enough time to give her a smile before she disapeared. He stood there for a moment, frowning. Something told him he should warn Sanis's girl, if he could find her. But to do so would be to get on Sasserri's bad side. Oh, the conflicts he placed in his before himself.)

    (He sighed and began walking towards the door. As he neared it, he glanced at the panel for the retinal scanner. He stopped. Hmmmm. The scanner had gone wacky no doubt because of the storms humidity outside. Mechanicals did that on occasion if the sealant wasn't high grade. But, better yet, he could find the file that held Sasseerri's retinal imprint. Then he could install it into his mechanical eye and possibly use it for later, if the need arose.)

    (He placed his leather gloves on, making it look as though his hands were cold and he was getting ready to go out into the rain. As he did this, he looked around for hidden cameras, using his robotic eye behind the eyepatch. There was only one wide-view camera situated above the front door. When he walked underneath it, he'd be hidden. Good. And the panel was in the area that was hidden, though he'd have little room to work.)

    (Making sure no one was around, he removed the panel, and began examining the interior. Simple build. Some high tech stuff, but nothing he hadn't seen before. Glancing around, he found the small drive that held the secured retinal files. He searched the small drive for the port used for deleting and inserting old and new files respectively. Aha. Taking out one of his data pads, he stretched it's retrieval jack. The plug itself was too large for the port, so he removed the plug, and removed the port from the drive using a small multi-tool. Finding the appropriate wires, he conected them. Then he used the data pad as a control retrieval unit. Searching the files, he found the one holding Sasseerri's retinal scans. Copying them, he quickly replaced all the parts as they were, being sure to mke everything look as though it were untouched. He even blew into the interior to stir the dust there so it would settle back on the areas he'd touched to make it look it'd not been touched in a while.)

    (Satisfied, he made his way out of the building and into the borrowed speeder, heading home, still pondering on whether he should inform Sanis's girl or not about what had transpired at the bar and afterwards.)

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