Valc VII

Screams filled the air of Moff Joran Greths Office. The room adjacent to his office had thin walls intentionally for that purpose. He studied the screams of his enemy’s. Found them strangly relaxing most times. But not today. The security officer being interrogated seemed weak and his rush to give information and stop the interrogation angered Joran.

He hated weak officers and would not have them in his command. He stood and walked to the observation room to watch the man beg for mercy and his life. All while giving information on the others in his group who were in on the theft of a payroll transfer to the Valc shipyards.. Thieves were important part of his work. He used them often and respected them for what they were. However he could not allow anyone to steal from him or his command. The man sat naked on floor looking up at the intelligence officer questioning him. He had told all he knew and could not cry or beg anymore. He had given up and was ready for what ever was to come. This is where Joran wanted his enemy’s. Weakened, hopeless, and defeated.

He leaned over and spoke into a small microphone. "Have this man Cleaned up and prepare transfer orders for him."

Death was a tool to Joran. The fear of death was a weapon. He knew the man would never steal again. Not because he had been changed by his interrogation or the fear of death, but because he knew the mans new posting allowed him no chance to steal. He turned and walked out of the room and back to his desk. AN aide had handed him a data pad as he sat.


Moff Greth sat looking over the scans of sector marker 1866. He had not remembered anything about the system described in the report. However he knew that nothing should be out there. For that reason the report of freighter Traffic in the area had raised his as well as his intelligence sections attention. Four freighters in the last month had been seen in the area, something was not right at all. He closed the screen detailing the report and opened a new screen which displayed a full roster of ships and commanders in the area. Scanning the list one commander caught his eye. The man had been top of his class and thus far his record was impressive. As his ship was sufficient and His skill seemed proficient for the task He highlighted the mans records and had them transferred to operations with a note and orders for him.

An hour later Operations had sent Joran the information on Saye's current location and orders. He pressed a highlighted display icon and a com. channel opened.

"Major Travers, I need to Get a message to a commander out near sub sector beta. Send a Hyper com Transmission to the Abolisher and transmit this data packet." Moff Greth sent the data to Travers then closed the channel.