When the light streaks by and the only sound is the humming the engines. Here one can relax and contemplate life. For Kyle Krogen he found his recent life had been a lie. He had dropped his jedi oaths and become a mercenary working both sides of the war, just for the money. But the impeding darkness in the galaxy had convinced him that galaxy needed him more then he needed the credits. He resurrected his oaths, to protect the innocent, defend the defenseless, and to enforce the laws of a just government. He once again was a guardian of light and righteousness; no longer would the darkness or lies decide his course. From now on he would battle the forces of darkness, instead of being employed by them…

The Lightsabre pulled gently out of hyperspace above the grey sphere of Coruscant, the city planet. “Come in, unidentified vessel. This is Watch Tower sixty-three Please submit your identification codes,” crackled a voice over the comm unit. Kyle sighed and punched in the landing codes given him by his imperial contacts, “Everything checks out, welcome to Coruscant Mister Fhen.” The man said, using the alias attached to the code. Kyle closed the connection and grabbed his control yoke in both hands and navigated the x-wing down towards Coruscant’s metal surface.

Fifteen minutes later the Lightsabre set down on the pad his imperial contacts had set aside for him, a few miles from their headquarters—No sense in making it look like they were weak enough to be hiring a rogue pilot, right? Kyle popped the cockpit cover open and climbed out. He removed his flight suit to reveal the clothing he wore under it. He wore a black shirt, pants, and boots. He pulled his helmet off and attempting to fix his messy blond hair. He gave after awhile and stored the items in his ship. He pulled a black nerf hide jacket out and slipped it on. He then checked the surrounding area to make sure no one was looking and then pulled two long silver pole-like objects from a secret compartment in the cockpit and slipped on of them into his pant pocket and the other into his coats inside pocket. Normall he didn’t carry both of his lightsabres on him at one time, but he had a feeling he might be needing them, or that he won’t be making it back to the Lightsabre anytime soon, so he might as well take them with him.

He took a turbo lift down from the raised platform he had landed on and emerged on ground level. He pushed through the crowds and towards the building his imperial contacts use. It nearly an hour for him to reach the dull grey building that didn’t sport a name on its side, or on a map. Kyle walked around the building to the back door and knocked on it softly. A hatch opened and a pair of eyes looked out at Kyle, “Oh, you. Back so soon?” There was a chuckle and then the door slid open to show the rest of the imperial as he returned his blaster to its holster.

Kyle pushed past him and headed deeper into the building, up a flight of stairs, and pausing in the doorway of the imperial officer’s office. There was another man in the room with the officer. “So Jensen, what are you going to do about the rogue in the slums who’s killing our men?” The other man asked the officer, “Nothing right now. I don’t have the resources or men to search every hiding spot down there. It would take months and we would loose even more men,” Jensen said, turning away from the man and noticing Kyle in the doorway, “Ah, Krogen. You arrived just in time,” Jensen looked sidelong at the other man for a moment, winked, and then returned his gaze to Kyle, “We’ve had a problem in the slums, a little miscreant has been attacking imperials down in the O’phex Slums. We need you to get down there and put this individual down,” Jensen finished, looking quite smug for how deftly he thought he had handled the situation.

“No,” Kyle answered.

“No haggling here, Krogen. I’m not going to raise the payment.”

“I don’t think you understand, Mister Jensen. I don’t want to take the job, in fact…” He paused, mustering his courage for what he would say next, “…I am here to tell you I am resigning.”

“Resigning?” Jensen asked, clearly confused.

“Yes. I will not longer be accepting jobs or contracts from you or any other imperial force. I am my own man now.”

Jensen rose to his feet, “Don’t be a fool, Krogen. What could possibly change your mind from ‘assisting’ your government?”

“The fact that I serve no government, Mister Jensen, and that the present one is corrupt and evil. I march under a different flag now. So, I bid they farewell.” Kyle said and turned to leave, but the other man was pulled a blaster from his coat and aiming it at Kyle. He pulled the trigger and a red bolt lashed out towards Kyle; who spun around, pulling something from his pocket. A beam of purple energy shot from his hand and reflected the energy bolt. The man who had fired looked down to see a smoking hole in his chest. He tried to say something, but his mouth only opened and closed, no words coming out. He slipped from his chair and landed on the floor and never moved again.

“Krogen, you idiot!” Jensen screamed, rushing to the side and activating the alarm mounted on the wall, and then pulled his own weapon out to bear on Kyle. But no sooner had he aimed the weapon then he found himself falling, his body severed in half at the waist, and Kyle standing beside him, glowing blade in hand, “I’m sorry Mister Jensen. Your death is not your fault, but your government’s. Go now to peace and may god have mercy on your soul…” He said, quietly to the now lifeless husk that had been Corporal Ivan Jensen.

The sound of heavy boots brought Kyle back to the present. He ran out the door and came face to face with a group of armed men, “Open fire!” All the men leveled weapons and opened fire. Kyle jumped high into the air, kicking off a wall and landing behind the soldiers. Dropped low and removed two of the men from their knees. But even before they hit the ground, Kyle’s other sabre appeared in his left hand, a vibrant silver beam humming softly. He rushed through the air, removing limbs and heads from the soldiers in a series of intricate spins and flips. He threw himself down the stairs, throwing a soldier over the rail with the force as he moved. He came to the bottom and faced the door guard; who was leveling a disruption rifle on Kyle. Kyle threw his sabre, cleaving the weapon in half and removing the man’s arm. He finished the man up with a blow to the chest. He pulled his thrown lightsabre back to his hand, deactivated both weapons, and returned them to their hiding places.

He exited the building and headed for nearest turbo lift and headed down towards the O’phex Slums. The man down in the slums had caught Kyle’s interest. He knew he would need allies in his war against the empire and the sith, and this rogue sounded like the kind of person who offer assistance to the war. Now the tricky part would be just to find him and after that to convince him to join Kyle in his crusade. One step at a time, Kyle told himself, as the turbolift door opened and he stepped out and into dim lighting of the O’phex Slums.