Dear Diary,

I have had an idea. It's a dumb idea. A very dumb idea which could get me in a lot of trouble.

Or, it could finally gain me some trust.

Baastian Cain, good ol' Captain Coruscant himself, might be my ticket to freedom. Well, at least freedom from relentless surveillance - not to mention it could get the Empire spending all sorts of money and manpower on a wild nerf chase, too.

He's a clone. He's got to be. I knew him back in the day. I knew him here, in the Order, as a Jedi, but this isn't the same Baastian. For one thing, the one I knew spelled his name Bastian. For another this one isn't the same one I met when arriving here. This one is a few months younger, maybe even a year younger than he ought to be. Trust me, I should know; I studied every square millimeter of that hunk from the moment I arrived. He was starting to get a wrinkle at the edge of his right eye, when I got here, and it slowly developed. Now it's been gone for a few months, and it's starting to come back. Subtle thing, but I've noticed it. So he's a clone, from a series of them. Oh, and he's got a bomb inside him, too. Probably should have led with that bit.

The facility must be off-site, as I haven't found it here, and I've found everything. I even found how I'm going to broach the subject: a holophoto of me and him from back in the day. Well, me and the real Bastian, anyway. That took some digging, as it was buried deep, and wasn't marked with his dataset at all - or mine, I might add. I seriously had to go through thousands upon thousands of archived images from back then which hadn't been tagged in any way, other than date. Lucky me, I remembered when we had attended the knighting of a padawan, and recalled speaking to him at the event. It's not the best photo, but it's still clearly us.

"Now, how does this help me?" I hear you ask, dear Diary. That's where things get tricky.

I need to find a way to get the image to him indirectly, with a message. What message? "Who are we?" That's the message.

He'll know that I know he's not who he says, and at the same time he'll begin to wonder about who I could possibly be. They've had no luck on tracking down Kyle Rayner, thanks to steadfast Nehantite Bureau of Records stonewall bureaucracy, and honestly my cover story has held up. This'll break that, but might help me out in the process, if he thinks I must also be a clone. How is he going to think I'm a clone? I'm going to straight up ask him, "Are we clones? How else is this possible?" With luck I'll get him to spill the beans on his backstory, and also get him to looking into who might have cloned me, and why. After all, who would clone Halajiin Rabeak? He didn't even get a full paragraph in the records, including the bit about how he went missing. Why that guy? Who could possibly want that guy?

So I'll get tested thoroughly, and they'll come to the conclusion that I'm a flawless clone, since I won't have actual evidence of being cloned. But what other answer could there be? I mean, time travel doesn't exist, and we Nehantites don't exactly have long lifespans. So I've got to be a clone, and that means they need to figure out where I came from. This'll put a task force on researching me, and any cloning sites both from back then, and now. And bingo, lots of money, manpower, and effort spent chasing down nothing at all, all while I get trusted more by bringing this up to Baastian in the first place, as if I'm concerned for Imperial safety.

Hey, it's worth a shot, right?