Lilaena De'Ville stood on the bridge of her ship, the Haran, and stared at the swirls of hyperspace. They were approaching No Mans Land, the strip of space that separated the burgeoning Alliance of Free Planets and the Galactic Empire. Soon they'd cross over into the Empire, where they would hit their first target since the completion of the Hammerhead-class cruiser. A Galactic Republic era ship, the Hammerhead had been in production for over a thousand years, and some had even still been in use during the Clone Wars. Salem Ave had arranged for a decomissioned and junked cruiser to be towed to Onderon, where the Mando'ade went to work putting it back together. The technology was more in line with what they were familiar with, and in doing the necessary upgrades they had learned more about modern tech.

Of course it had some Mandolorian upgrades as well, like a complement of Basilisk War Droids in the starfighter bay. They were unlike anything any modern Mando'ade might use, mostly made from the cannibalized parts of older versions, and wholly customized for the harsh environment of Onderon. They were patterned after the viscous boma and drexl, and while there weren't any with cockpits currently there was already a plan in the works to outfit some of them once the needed supplies were scavenged.

She turned from the viewscreen and looked at her second in command, Bretak. He was in full armor like her, his helmet obscuring his face. "The strike team is ready." It wasn't a question.

He nodded, and the ship reverted to real space with a shudder. Lilaena took a half step to widen her stance and keep upright; Bretak put out a hand to hold a nearby console where a female warrior was studying the sensor readings. A blue planet loomed in the viewscreen, and the Haran shook again as it plunged into the atmosphere.

Woostri would literally have no idea what had hit it.