Databanks confirmed. Jedi Knight Wei Wu Wei. Also known as the Force Cripple.

Wei sat strapped into the cockpit of Obi-wan Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter, staring at a small screen that displayed the communications of an astromech droid.

"I remember that..." Wei's voice trailed off as his mind took him back years before.

His first memories in the Jedi temple greeted him gently as he found them. He was a Youngling then. Only just old enough to understand Galactic Basic, walk, and talk. The Jedi Masters watched the Younglings at play. But only one was the topic of their discussion.

What do you mean, he's not showing any signs of Force Sensitivity? You said when you visited Talus last this boy showed much promise.

It's true, I did. And I still remain assured of that fact. I've been trying a few things to see what might have happened, and this is what I've got so far.

A Miralukan Jedi reached into a small box nearby and produced a ceramic bowl along with an elegantly crafted wooden rod about a handspan long.

Witness, Master, what happens when I use this near the boy. Wei Wu Wei! Will you please come see me?

The image turned to face the Miraluka, and approached with the clumsy running steps of an eager toddler.

See what happens. The Miraluka caretaker cupped the bowl in the palm of his hand. He picked up the rod and traced the edge of the bowl in slow smooth circuits. After several revolutions of the rod around the bowl's lip, a pure, clear tone emanated through the room.

The Jedi Master looked from the bowl to the boy. As the tone continued to stretch into the room, the Master could sense a presence. Someone indeed strong in the Force. But who was it?

How can this be?

The Miraluka shrugged. We don't know.

Let us take him before the Council and then we shall decide what to make of him. Let us depart at once.

Wei, it's time to go.

A shrill whistle brought Wei to his senses. Approaching the planet, Tython. Estimated time of arrival five minutes.

Tython. Wei could see it through the front viewport. Who knew what was there after all this time? Wei brought a shaking hand to his face to wipe at his sweating brow. At least he could be confident of one thing: there wouldn't be anything to drink down there.