s'Il paused, her eye locked with his as she considered all the possible reasons why one of her aides would see fit to interrupt herself and the Commodore. There weren't many things she could think of to give cause to an intrusion outside of some sort of emergency, and as Challenger's alarm klaxons remained silent, the Wheel was certainly not in any danger.

Finally she gave a long sigh, folding her cards into one hand while in the same motion rising to her feet. The Jedi gave a light groan as she leaned over Vansen's desk (still careful to make sure that he couldn't see her cards). A quick search and she found the comm access button, pushing it with a sense of mild annoyance.

"I hope this is an emergency."

The holo-image of their guest stiffened, back straightening as he stared straight ahead at the still closed door.

"Ma'am. Priority message from Whaladon."

Now this gave her minor cause to hesitate, and after a moment she spoke once again.

"From who."

"A Mr. Aamoran."

Still perched over Vansen's desk, s'Il weighed her options. On the one hand, she could dismiss the aide and take the message once this meeting was concluded, though on the other...

"Very well. I will be out in a moment."

"Yes Ma'am."

s'Il cut the comm as she straightened back up, sending an apologetic look to Vansen. Her cards she set on his desk, her stack of flimsies taken up instead. Of course, the two that she'd already laid out still sat in the small third pile, untouched.

"I regret that I must cut short this morning's meeting."