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Thread: Unhinged - 8.327

  1. #1
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    KA - Onderon Unhinged - 8.327

    She only had a week of leave, and she had already spent half of it on Terephon. Hawkins Grime surely demanded more attention than she had to give to him, but allowing him to run unchecked on Onderon was not something she wanted. A short visit would be better than none at all.

    Lilaena walked through Iziz with anonymity, cloaked and unrecognizable as the one the Onderon Mando'ade called Manda'lor. It was a simple matter to slip outside the massive walls that held the wilderness at bay, and head toward the Mando'ade town several klicks out. Once under the cover of the jungle, De'Ville located a speeder bike that had been left there for her use, and after pulling the plant debris away from it she threw her leg over and roared off.

    Walking to the village was something she had done many times. It kept one sharp, surviving the trek through the tangle of lethal lifeforms that covered the planet. But not now, not with a time limit.

    Her healing side protested as she leaned over the sleek profile of the bike, letting the wind blow her thoughts away, concentrating on the ride and on avoiding driving into any of the enormous trees. She pulled up short outside the wooden palisade of the Mando'ade encampment, her arrival seen by scouts and armored acolytes already coming to greet her.

    oh what a tangled web I weave

  2. #2
    Hawkins Grime
    e'Drain curled over, falling to his knees before his shoulder then hit the ground when the kick that followed the punch to his stomach slammed him into the dirt. Morrolan winced, expecting the finishing contact that would put him out of the fight but instead heard a crunch of metal against flesh. He looked up to see his opponent be lifted off his feet and then hit the sparring floor on his neck.

    e'Drain took what he could for a break and started to get up, looking behind him to see the cloaked figure catch a foot in his armored hand. The cloaked figure grabbed the other opponent by his thigh with his other leg and in a flurry of motion, both figures were in the air and then on the ground.

    Hawkins Grime stood, withdrawing his fist from the cracked face plate of the Mandalorian that he had just taken down. He examined his fist, flexing the powerful exoskeleton before looking down at the still body of the Mandalorian. He glanced back to e'Drain's opponent who was standing now, but just barely. Morrolan was looking up at him with a smirk.

    "Boss, you gotta let me finish mine off at least. The last three have gone like that."

    "I'm merely adapting to your weaknesses. Maybe you should learn how to fight like a Mando on your own?"

    e'Drain still wasn't use to the bold voice of his "new" boss. Grime was sleek now, sleek and fresh. Like a corpse that had just died but came out for the better. They'd been in this camp for months. The doctor and Averre had said it was best for him to wait, kind of like rehabilitating in his new body.

    Grime turned to the approaching sound of running feet. He spoke in quick Mand'oa.

    "A'den, she's coming."

    Grime reached for his hood around his shoulders and pulled it up over his face. His other hand reached for the face plate that in a moment slid onto his new face with ease, slightly hissing as it locked. He nodded and then followed the young Mando towards the front of the camp. It was hard to tell if in that steady stride, e'Drain might have noticed some kind of excitement.

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    She walked into the camp, back straight, shoulders squared. De'Ville greeted her warriors, spoke to Bretak for a moment, and then looked up to find a tall figure stalking towards her through the village.

    Bretak nodded, stepping aside, and she steeled herself for this encounter with her apprentice. Her... new apprentice. His exoskeleton was lean and strong, the face almost human rather than the porcelain doll mask she was used to seeing. She could feel his confidence and swagger before he reached her.

    "Hawkins," she said. "You are looking... well."

  4. #4
    Hawkins Grime
    Hawkins had removed the metal face plate, similar to the Mandalorian helmets with its slit visor, just before reaching where the small gathering was. E'drain trailed behind him, wiping the blood from his nose. He was preoccupied enough that he tried to act like the whole thing wasn't happening.

    He licked his lips with his black synthetic tongue, enjoying the false gesture as if he was hesitating to say something.

    "Lilaena... You... are feeling well, I would hope?"

    The question was loaded. Grime could taste her pain. It seethed from her. Someone had been up to no good, it seemed. He loved it. Not like this new body kept him free from it. It just helped him manage beyond the broken clockwork doll he had been.

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    Her eyes narrowed imperceptibly at his polite question, reading the intent behind it. "Of course."

    She pushed her cloak off her shoulders, letting it fall to the dusty ground as she walked a slow circle around her apprentice. "The Mando'ade have out done themselves with your new body, Grime." De'Ville reached out and ran her hand across the back of his shoulders, fingertips brushing the segmented armor plates that covered the suit.

    "Truly a work of art." She stood in front of him, arms folding in front of her, and then she looked sideways at Bretak, her second in command. "My time is limited here, unfortunately. I need to speak with my apprentice. Alone."

    She looked up at Hawkins, noting the clear blue eyes, and nodded her head toward the building she lived in when she was on Onderon. "If you will join me?"

  6. #6
    Hawkins Grime
    The smirk that slid across his face was meant to be obvious. The action still required effort but it was so much more than the poor attempt it had been before. He turned on his heel, glancing at Morrolan and turning him away with a curt hand signal. He brushed a strand of hair out of his face, still getting a hang of his new found agility and the simple distractions more likened to normal people. De'Ville led the way towards the building, with Grime following just a step beind.

    He could practically taste her pain. She hadn't been this vulnerable, especially around him since after Coruscant. If only he could've been this aware of it then as he was now. It was, to say the least, sensational. From fighting with the Mandalorians in hand to hand combat, he knew how much better he was but he still knew just how vulnerable he was too. Grime's pain was his double edged sword that cut to the bone every time he wielded it against another, body and mind. De'Ville had said he was a work of art. He remembered, in another life time, someone saying that exact same thing in much different circumstances.

    "Limited time? And why would the Mandalore be rushed this time?"

    They reached the building, well out of earshot of anyone else.

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    She blew out a long breath, opening the door and walking inside out of the sun. "As you know I have joined the Alliance. As part of one of their SpecOps teams, I have limited leave." It grated on her, just another layer of authority over her head, pushing down on her. And she had placed herself in that position on purpose.

    She found a seat and took it, lifting her right arm awkwardly and feeling the tape on her side under her shirt. It seemed to still be stuck in place, covering the cuts she'd received during her fight with Callidus. With... Salem. A flicker of something undefinable crossed her face.

    "How are the Mandos? Restless, no doubt, with my long absences. Probably only a matter of time before I am challenged in Battle Circle."

  8. #8
    Hawkins Grime
    "They fear I might. e'Drain keeps his ears to the ground."

    That smirk remained as he thought of Morrolan lying on the ground only a short time ago.

    "Still with those Alliance rats? They are just lucky that war makes for such profit. But... then again..."

    Grime chose not to sit, his eyes glanced over her scars that appeared to bleed their pain to Grime's eyes.

    "Its my turn to say that you truly are a piece of work. Did you thank whoever drew on your flesh like that?"

  9. #9
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    "Many times," she said absently, lowering her arm and getting a little more comfortable.

    De'Ville focused sharply on his new face. "Is your new body capable of wielding a lightsaber? Or is this all just an exercise in futility?" She got to her feet, brushing past him to the other side of the room where she found a bottle of water. She held it in her hand, turning to look at him again. "I feel I must learn you all over again. What you are capable of... or not, as the case may be."

  10. #10
    Hawkins Grime
    How easy it was to still define Hawkins Grime as a complicated piece of metal wrapped around an otherwise simple, nearly dead corpse?

    "Would you like a demonstration?"

    His blue eyes seared with contempt. He felt more than capable of wielding a lightsaber, especially at this very moment. He knew, in his previous "body", Grime would have likely done more harm to himself than anyone else with something as unwieldy as a light saber then. Now though...

    "Why? Do I get some keepsake to think of my doting master once you depart to the front lines again? Doesn't it take a lifetime to learn something like that?"

    Grime would much rather learn how to read someone's mind than wield the saber. Not that he wouldn't turn such instruction down either. Hawkins just had his own priorities in mind.

  11. #11
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    She felt his hate seeping through his metal skin, something she was more than familiar with when dealing with her volatile apprentice. It was tempting to shrink back, to deflect his rage away from her, but she knew if she showed him weakness it would just invite more testing, if not outright rebellion.

    Bad enough that he already knew the razor's edge she walked within her mind. He would not be pushing so hard, his attitude so cocky, if he did not sense the pain she had recently gone through.

    He was not her confidant, however, he was her apprentice. Her green eyes flashed at him. "Even a child can learn the basic lightsaber forms, I trust you will be able to manage it." Lilaena turned her back on him, working the controls on a modern safe that had been implanted into the duracrete under their feet. She retrieved two training sabers, ones she had created herself many years ago.

    They looked and felt like actual lightsabers, but the circuitry was such that the blade merely stung instead of cut. Put one up against a real lightsaber and the blade would short out, leaving the wielder defenseless. Lilaena tossed one to Grime.
    Last edited by Lilaena De'Ville; Apr 25th, 2011 at 02:03:23 AM. Reason: Typo

  12. #12
    Hawkins Grime
    He caught it without any trouble, igniting the saber and spilling blue light across the room.


    CENSORED slid the cylinder between his fingers, examining its elegant master craftsmanship.

    "How many forms are there?"

    The bounty hunter across from him sipped from her drink before setting it back on the transparesteel table.

    "7, I believe. Your Echani sword style appeared to be enough though didn't it."

    "But for how much longer might I have lasted had we not sprung that trap on him?"

    "I suppose we'll never know."

    "I suppose."


    He felt her pain, just standing and so on. She was like some vintage he'd only had a taste of before and was now available in abundance. If not for her leaving, he feared the value of her pain might diminish for it was so readily available. The idea of her leaving again, and in such a state, also gave Grime a seemingly new idea. De'Ville might go out one of these times and not come back. Such a thing hadn't crossed his mind. Hawkins' dreams of how she might die by his hand had only amplified since acquiring his new body.

    "This blade is shorter than some I've seen. Did you really give me a child's toy or is there some advantage to this?"

    The black aura that was Grime's pain couldn't help but reach out to De'Ville, like tongues of shadow seeking mutual sensation.

  13. #13
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    "Length varies," she said shortly. "As a male, I'm sure you are familiar with the phenomenon. In this case, it depends on the preference of the one who constructs it.

    "When learning the forms, a shorter blade can be advantageous. However," she stepped closer, inside his reach and past the crackling blade, took his hand and turned it to expose a small switch on one side of the cylinder he held. "This one is adjustable." She adjusted the blade to one better suited to Grime's height.

    Lilaena released him and stood back, feeling the familiar sensation of the physical pain he experienced just by living. It was not as strong as it usually was, no doubt because of his enhanced and modernized exoskeleton. His new face was almost handsome, and she found he was staring at her, and not at the blade in his hand.

    She met his gaze, tilting her chin up a bit defiantly. "Do you have something you wish to say to me, apprentice?"

  14. #14
    Hawkins Grime
    His free hand raised just slightly before the metal fingers ground together into a fist and stay at his side. His lips curled back in something of a sneer and a smile at once, revealing his pearl teeth locked together. Looking down at her, at this proximity, he could actually smell her for the first time. Like sanitized bandages and her travel across Onderon on the speeder bike.

    "Another life time perhaps, Lilaena..."

    His fist slowly unclenched as Hawkins leaned forward towards her. The overwhelming sensation of his own pain clashed against what emanated from De'Ville and Hawkins could not deny that he relished it. What he had been holding back was unleashed with an audible sigh, the fire and ice of his hatred, so potent as it was nearly uncontrollable and without any other purpose but to destroy.

    Grime leveled the saber at her, held in the basic Echani stance, an art form perverted by Grime's lethal passions, from before and now.

  15. #15
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    She ignited the twin to the saber Hawkins held, standing ready as his fury peaked. His skill with a blade was something she had yet to test, but she was not unfamiliar with the Echani form he was using.

    Lilaena made the first move in the cramped space, seeing no need to hold back and employing Vaapad against him, a series of whirling and exact strikes that pushed her apprentice to the doorway.

  16. #16
    Hawkins Grime
    The door burst open and Grime stepped through it backwards with ease, deflecting the whirling, crackling mess of light saber strikes that De'Ville hurled at him. It was not necessarily beyond him to handle this flurry of attacks but Grime had not fought an opponent of this caliber in some time, not in this life time at least.

    He allowed them to get some distance from the building and into the clearing before his feet shifted and the stance adjusted. Like the Echani way, combat was merely another way to express oneself and had heard enough of what Lilaena had to 'say' for the moment. He laughed as he parried two blows and then exploded into a counter offensive. He could feel the strain in his body starting to build but he could see and taste De'Ville's as well.

    e'Drain stood a relative ways off, shocked and a bit unsure of what was going on. Where did the Boss get a light saber and what was the angle here? Were they really fighting or just sorting out some differences? As long as the Boss didn't go thermonuclear or whatever he did with Malchiel. Morrolan almost hoped that De'Ville was just teaching Grime something and would end it before it got too far.

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    Her side was on fire, recently scabbed cuts pulling apart under the stress of her movements, but she shut aside the sensation of pain. "Your flexibility is impressive!" she called to him, a trace of a smile on her face as she parried his sudden offensive.

    Lilaena pressed the attack slightly, testing his ability, their sabers crackling against each other. Mando'ade were gathering, watching the fight, not sure exactly what was going on. She found an opening and slammed the blade against his leg, the practice saber buzzing against the exoskeleton, though his circuitry was well shielded and not prone to shorting out.

  18. #18
    Hawkins Grime
    He only stuttered for a moment, quickly regaining his foot hold before pressing any kind of attack. It was taking significant focus just to keep her away from sliding another attack in. Hawkins did notice that her pain had dimmed ever so slightly.

    "Again... Maybe in another life..."

    Hawkins left it hanging as he flourished and just barely caught a strike at his face before it connected. A growl rose up from inside him before he roared into his next attack. Grime was defending at the fifth tier of the Echani defensive techniques but was only using the fourth tier, holding back, letting that pain that simmered in her wounds build.

    A rush of hot air pushed out from Grime, the source, and he felt his rampant anger and putrid hatred explode from within, greedily stoking the visible pain of De'Ville's wounds. He lunged forward with the saber coming at her more vulnerable side.

  19. #19
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    Bretak was there, the acolytes and warriors surrounding them forming a loose circle. Lilaena spared them a glance, shouting, "Training!" and hoped they knew A'den was not battling her for supremacy.

    But then, any training session or fight with Hawkins turned into a battle of wills, and as his skills grew so did his ambition. He was drawing on the Force, fueling his movements with anger, his hatred reaching out between them and causing her side to explode with sudden pain.

    Lilaena hissed, her body twisting awkwardly, but managed to pull her guard up and block Grime's blow. She pushed him back, their sabers hissing and crackling against each other, their faces close. "Good... you exploit weakness in your opponent."

    She shoved with the Force, throwing him backwards a few feet and then circling around him, her saber at the ready.

  20. #20
    Hawkins Grime
    Grime stumbled back and fell to a knee for just a moment before standing again; slowly turning, one step behind the next, almost like in a dance, to match De'Ville. The gesture looked so human in stark contrast to the shuddering skeleton that Grime had been before that e'Drain was still having a hard time grasping just how much better off the new body was.

    Hawkins sighed, the most exertion his new exoskeleton would allow itself to display. What he felt on the inside wasn't anything beyond the normal threshold of pain; in fact it could even be relatively comfortable considering what it might have felt like before.

    He turned his profile to her, his saber tilted away.

    "Training? Are you sure this is training, De'Ville?"


    The black haired wookie looked up from the dash board she was working on to peer into the fighting ring. The white haired woman leveled the double bladed vibroblade at the lanky teenager, holding his own sword in a shaky grip.

    "I do not teach you how to fight like an Echani, CENSORED..."

    "You... teach me how to speak like an Echani."

    She flew forward in a flurry of motion, the young man deflected what he could but red slits of blood still flew into the dust at their feet.


    The rage that exploded from Hawkins made the air instantly smell like burnt ozone. His feet left smoldering imprints in the dirt as he flew at De'Ville. He knew the pain was so much more than that, but he could still feel those razor thin scars that had cut to the bone so long ago. A wave of flame followed behind Grime.

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