Kazaar wasn't very happy. Made no frackin' sense why he was outta fuel. Night Train'd been completely filled when the two'd left f'Sestooine. An' that mission'd been trip down th'frackin' Tumble bunny hole. Weird ass plague carriers, psychotic docs anna creepy Inquisitor who Kazaar fileted f'offing an entire city. Frackin' bastard deserved every ounce o'pain he'd gotten.

Didn't explain why th'frack his ship was outta fuel. Kazaar chewed on his cigar as he piloted his way through Dubrillion's atmosphere. Was o'helluva planet. Nice an' temperate.

Wouldn't be o'bad place t'take o'vacation (if Kazaar gave o'crap for that sorta thing) an', hell, had a couple nice frackin' beaches. If Kazaar didn't hafta send some data they'd grabbed, he might even consider findin' a cigar store, a nice beach, bottle o'bourbon and see how much fun he could have.

That was, 'course, if he didn't hafta get a buncha data off to the Rebellion as quickly as frackin' possible.

"Unidentified ship, this is Dubrillion Control please come in and state your destination."

Kazaar blew smoke outta 'is mouth an' rifled through o'buncha data cards he had saved for times like this. Names an' IDs ovva buncha ships he knew were out there. Some o'em were from Kimiiki Crei's organization (that he used t'frack around with the now-dead Albino). Others were from his old boss, Gorgja the Hutt, and even more from th'Rebellion.

This time he chose the ID of o'ship in Gorgja's fleet. Run by o'man named Paskal. Nice guy. Kazaar actually knew him pretty frackin' well. Which meant he wasn't 'bout t'kill him.

Dubrillion Control accepted his ID without much ovva problem. Sent 'im to Landing Pad 74, which was on top ovva cliff over looking the ocean. Helluva view.

An' the ex'bounty hunter hoped it wouldn't be o'bad trip.

"Fill 'er up pal." Kazaar nodded at th'short human who walked to both him an' De'Ville. "The good stuff. Not that cheap crap."

Kazaar started saunterin' down the ramp towards th'capital city. "Gonna hit up o'cigar store and find o'place t'get o'drink. Interested in comin' along Lady? Might keep ya from gettin' in any trouble."

Gave 'er o'wink and kept his pace.