Eliza was nervous and that meant she was giddy which meant she probably looked like she had drank a wee bit too much caff that morning, but it was okay. Well, she hoped it was.

"Well, I just really was looking for a change."

A change... right-o. Everyone who had ever run in to Miss Eliza Jansen knew she felling LOVED her lab and the droids she had worked with but an opportunity had opened elsewhere and well, when it knocked she was ready to go! At least, she hoped so.

"Surveillance is just so technical, and I figured being a field agent would allow for more challenging work. A girl gets bored being stuck in the same old, same old for too long. You get stale and that means you get sloppy and no one can afford any sloppy work around here." She paused, for a half instant. "I could still do the surveillance part-time! I just... I want to prove I can do something more."

Something more? More than what, Eliza? More than staring into monitors all day and reviewing holovids to the point where your head wanted to collapse? Even if she was capable of picking out the tiny details everyone else seemed oblivious to, it just had gotten dull. Dull. Dull. DULL.

She was young though, young and smart. Real smart. Her file said that much. Young was good too, it meant she could be trained and move up in the ranks rather than be stuck in some dreary surveillance office for the rest of her career with the Security Bureau.