He had a certain suspicion about this client. Fact of the matter was - it didn't sound like Black Sun to put out a bounty for information only. Nor had he ever heard of them putting up a bounty for a client. The organisation usually didn't bother with a creature unless it needed to be brought in, preferably in a breathing condition so they could do themselves whatever punishment they thought it deserved - for personal use, not that of clients. A bounty for information only was a half-assed thing; it smacked of desperation or something they were being forced to do. But who would be stupid enough to put pressure on the mightiest criminal organisation in the galaxy?

He could only think of one "client" stupid - or powerful, if one wanted to see it differently - enough to do so: The Empire.

And that was an interesting idea. After a year of silence on the matter - why was it suddenly so important to them that they would bother to go through Black Sun? What did they think Black Sun could do? Unless of course this was a Black Sun bounty after all. Which he thought unlikely.

So he decided to put the idea out there and test his opponent's reaction.

"I've never heard of Black Sun dealing with small fry. Why just information? Because the woman is a force freak? Tell me if I'm wrong but this stinks of the Inquisitoriate digging its claws into your merry band of vigos, trying to milk their connections when their own ran dry."