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Thread: Cheese crackers and the funny pages

  1. #21
    Zabian Bal-Wandler
    Finding himself on the dusty surface of a planet was nothing out of the ordinary for 'Jack' for Tatooine had been is home for many a year. Having to endure both suns of the Hutts planet had at first been a burden, but now just normality. The masked figure who had walked out behind Tau found himself consistantly looking at the blonde woman, however. He had seen her face before, most certainly, but from an age long forgotten, a time most Jedi hated to speak of. Looks can be decieving but the force always told the truth.

    He could feel, from her, a presence with the force. A strong presence, and he was sure she could sence his use of the force within. Looking down on the little girl who was questioning Sanis about everything and anything possible, for the first time in a very long while, he smiled, ow could even the coldest heart not smile on something so beautiful.

    For once, just for once, everything just might be okay, thought Zabian,a small portion of his real Jedi side revealing itself..

  2. #22
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    Tak fanG daddy smells like wine

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    Watching all the people that left Sanis' ship to wander around the dusty landing bay, Tak quickly reverted her attention back to the man who held her. Her voice went low as she leaned forward to whisper in Sanis' ear.

    "Adomo ss'en ya-ta?"

    They were words Sanis had heard plenty of times, and knew enough to know that the little girl was almost bursting at the seams, wanting to know what it was that he'd brought her this time.

  3. #23
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    Dan's brow furrowed as he stood adjacent to s'Il. He crossed his arms, and tilted his head toward her slightly, talking low.

    "There are more than a few odd-looking characters he's carrying as fares. Keep your eyes about you on board, okay?"

    Dan's eyes stayed on the swarthy-skinned man with long midnight hair. Something about his manner stood out to him.

  4. #24
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    Sanis Prent's Avatar
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    I smiled big at Tak, and looked up as Cirr lowered the small crates next to me, and opened them up. There were a few holovids, a pair of repulsorlift boots, a stack of comics, a few "convenience foods" that seemed to be somewhere between junk and novelty, and a few droid motivator parts. The other crate held a few dresses, and a couple of stacks of trousers and long-sleeved shirts.

    I said nothing and waited for her to make the first move. Despite not understanding the little girl, she had a way of broadcasting her intentions beyond language.

  5. #25
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    A sidelong glance was sent to Dan as s'Il nodded slightly in acknowledgement. She smiled though, at her daughter's squeal of excitement. The Lupine watched as Tak scrambled down from Sanis' arms, clamboring over to the crates Cirr had set down.

    The little girl triumphantly held a holovid up, silently asking for Dama's permission, and s'Il shook her head. "A'hga na." Tak's second choice, a few comics from the ample stack, were greeted with a nod of acceptance. s'Il smiled as her daughter beamed widely, taking the two picture books and scampering up the ramp to disappear into Sanis' ship.

    The Lupine turned an amused eye to Sanis, inclining her head to the dropped holovid. "The special edition of Killer Bothan Cheerleaders on Meathooks IV?"

  6. #26
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    Sanis Prent's Avatar
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    "We can discuss payment later."

    I said it jokingly, but she was already out of earshot, sprinting up the ramp.

    I glanced at Cirr, who was already rising to his feet to follow her.

    "Keep an eye on her. I dunno, make sure she doesn't skip rope with the hydraulic hose or whatever."

    A few Cathar natives approached the crates, and I tended to affairs while talking to s'Il and Dan.

    "You two sure make for odd bedfellows." I noted aloud as I passed a dress off to an interested Cathar, who felt the quality of the fabric and began discussing a proper barter for it.

  7. #27
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Sssmoke me a kjipperrr, jI'll be back forrr brrreakfassst!

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    Cirrsseeto Quez's Avatar
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    Cirr disappeared back into the belly of Layla, wondering how such short legs could move that fast. He initially lost track of her, but caught her scent quickly. Smelled of dirt-covered feet and berries.

    Two stubby legs crossed over themselves as they poked out of an empty cargo crate on it's side, as Tak intently studied her picture books. Cirr thought about distracting her, but instead took a seat on a smaller crate adjacent to her. As much as he should be running routine maintenance on the engine and systems, he enjoyed the distraction just as much.

  8. #28
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    I know Kung Fu, and orifices

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    Originally posted by Sanis Prent
    "You two sure make for odd bedfellows." I noted aloud as I passed a dress off to an interested Cathar, who felt the quality of the fabric and began discussing a proper barter for it.
    "Could've said the same myself, what with you two being on a first name basis."

    Dan arched an eyebrow, and reached in his pocket for his stim case. Lighting up, he studied Sanis's expression through the initial puff of smoke.

    "I won't pry. Not much at least. This isn't about me, anyway, it's about s'Il and the little lady. I'm just a concerned third party, with a checkbook."

    He glanced back to s'Il as if to say and don't even try to refuse it.

    "She said you were the best, and I agree."

  9. #29
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    Behind Cirr, there was a rustle as Daani tried to pull herself further into her hiding place.

  10. #30
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    The namana berries taste like namana berries!

    James Prent's Avatar
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    I completed my circuit of the ship, and came up next to Proon Jeffries, the oldest fare we had traveling with us. I stood next to him, still shorter inspite of his crooked back. I folded my arms and remarked, "I love the feel of the ground under my feet."

    As he turned to look at me, I added, "Sleep well, Proon? I hope Daani didn't disturb you again..."

  11. #31
    Lamar Starworth
    "People these days..."

    Lamar was soon off, heading about the landing bay to converse with the closest native. They were a unique species of felinoids and the least human were the males. Their tusk excerted from their closed lips, ready to bare it's true strenght in any bafoon who dare insult them. A smile graced Lamar's lips at the thought of such terrifying end, for he knew the next words that dropped from his sly tongue would be definately in fair ground.

    "Clothes?" The foreigner said slow and firmly. Cathar weren't exactly the species that went far from their planet and expecting them to know Basic was improbable.

    Sliding his hands into his pocket, his eyes wondered a moment as he waited for a response from the Cathar. Glancing at the natural, dirt surface below his feet, he felt a sense as though he was still on the horrid Oord Tupa. They weren't, but an escapade through the stars had made every world look more the same to him. That was just the way of a Trooper.

    Turning his head quickly back at the calm Cathar, he watched as the humanoid feline reached through his luggage and pulled out some items for picking. As expected only a few of the objects in his hands were what he asked for, but it was clear from a glance that the man was a buisnessman. So Lamar was quick to point to the clothing instead of the numerous spacer tools, cupplings.

    Pulling out a few credit chips, he dropped the roll in the man's hand in a quick exchange. Taking back to the ship, he watched as the young girl played, Cirr sat, and the others mingled in conversation. As always, he was an outsider...and that was good.

  12. #32
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Even though Sanis had landed away from the marketplace, s'Il knew that the distance would not deter those who constantly awaited his visits. Already a small crowd had gathered around the crates Cirr had brought out, and the Lupine turned her head to regard the gaggle of Cathar who haggled and traded with Prent.

    Even a few of the deep desert throwbacks had ventured to Joffa - something rare in itself.

    But her interest in the buyers only went as far as her surface thoughts. Something a bit more intruiging had caught her attention, and while s'Il made no move to acknowledge who she felt it from, it was undeniable.

    Prent was transporting Force sensitive people; two from her count.

  13. #33
    Akrabbim affects a good-natured smile and nods to the young woman.

    Yes, I did sleep well, Ms... Tau, is it? And don't worry about the little one. It's nice to see a little activity here and there.

    As much as I enjoy a good trip, though, it is indeed nice to be on the ground. So, tell me... what is there to do in this place?

  14. #34
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    Sanis Prent's Avatar
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    The chatter around the group became a buzzing sound, full of energy and alien languages. I made eye contact with s'Il for the obvious reasons. I had a grade-school grasp of the Cathar tongue, and bartering is almost a work of art in terms of prose and dance. She helped me keep my head afloat. In return, I kept trade clean.

    As it got busier and busier, I replied to Dan.

    "You were saying something about a checkboook?"

    A snaggle-toothed Cathar cub got its paws on a small bit of packaging in bright colors, gleefully exclaiming a phrase that I'd long figured to be something to do with candy.

    It...uh...wasn't candy. With a nervous laugh, I pried it away from the youngster, eager to fill his grasping hands with a few pieces of Namana gum.

  15. #35
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    "Expenses and a considerable commission."

    Dan busied himself by joining in with the other Cathar, analyzing Sanis's wares.

    "There's a good chance you might attract some Imperial attention. As I said, the commission will be...considerable enough."

    He paused, finding a brightly colored comic book, which was also being contested by an adolescent Cathar. Counter-bartering with a deck of playing cards from his pocket, Dan won over the book, flipping through its pages as if he were sagely familiar with the pulp graphic novel.

  16. #36
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    The face of death gazed with a single, intent, crimson sphere into the storm-gray eyes of the Imperial Executor. Like a reaper choosing its next victim, the dark-clad figure moved through the ranks of white-armored soldiers, optical sensor scrutinizing every individual.

    Khendon clenched his jaw at the sight of the dangerous shroud. “Sergeant,” spoke the leader in a calm tone dripping with electric wickedness, “are your men,” demons was the correct word, “ready?”

    The filtered voice rasped through the dangerous-looking helmet, “Ready to bathe the land in scarlet passion.” Yes, it was cliché; yet, it had a certain malevolent tone that the Sith enjoyed.

    “Excellent, then the mission begins!” A snarl grew on the Imperator’s lips.

    Waiting at the edges of the system, the Dominator-class star destroyer Death Advocate prowled with teeth bared. Her wedge shape brought the majority of her deadly arsenal to a focal point directly in front of the massive warship. In addition to the craft’s heavy armament, she sported four gravity well generators more than capable of inhibiting hyperspace jumps in her vicinity.

    Daggers bled from the belly of the beast like hunting bats stirred from their rest atop a cave’s ceiling. The school of predatory fish ignited hazy-blue engines and easily advanced passed the star destroyer.

    “Admiral Gregorus, you have your orders. Follow them to the letter and you will be rewarded, make one mistake and I shall have your head. This foolish jedi has already escaped me once. He will not free himself from my grasp this time!”

    Khendon boarded the black-coated assault shuttle and took a seat with the stormguardsmen strapping into crash-webbing. The deadliest man in the Empire wore matte armor and a cloak darker than night. On either hip, the soldier had firmly fastened a lightsaber.

    “Cathar burns today,” growled the Dark Warrior, “incinerated by the Empire's might!” Cheers reverberated through the shuttle as it fell from the destroyer’s stomach. This will teach planets not to harbor treasonous villains.

  17. #37
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    The namana berries taste like namana berries!

    James Prent's Avatar
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    The question was not all together unexpected, but I had no idea how to answer it. "To do, here?" Proon nodded, and I shrugged, putting my arms out to encompass the busy scene. "I think at the moment we're the most exciting thing going on. You know these backwater planets - once you've seen one, you've seen 'em all."

    Since joining up with Sanis and Cirrsseetto, I'd seen my share of the ugliest places in the galaxy. Cathar wasn't ugly, just simple. "We really aren't staying long enough to sight-see beyond the market." I looked over at the older man, and added, "Want to take me shopping, Mr. Jeffries?"

  18. #38
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    Tak fanG daddy smells like wine

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    Thoroughly engrossed in her new picturebook, Tak remained opblivious to the outside world, crossing and uncrossing her legs as they stuck out from the crate she'd taken cover in. Thumbing through the pages, the little girl idly hummed an old Cathar children's song that Dama often sung to her.

    San-San Akhu had followed her quite happily, and perched himself atop the crate she sat in. He turned to stare at Cirr as the Cizerack lumbered in and took a seat on an adjacent crate. The Giddu dog's attention was soon reclaimed by Tak however, as the animals large ears swivelled in the direction of her voice and he turned to look back down over the edge at her fidgeting legs.

  19. #39
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Sssmoke me a kjipperrr, jI'll be back forrr brrreakfassst!

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    Cirrsseeto Quez's Avatar
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    Cirr smiled as he watched little Tak, lost in her color-printed world. He fiddled in a jacket pocket, and pulled out a small clear plastic container, holding some kind of foodstuff obviously designed to withstand the tests of time and probably cosmic radiation.

    He rustled the package, holding it for the girl to see, as he had no other real way to communicate with her.

  20. #40
    With an over-exaggerated bow, the "old" man extends his arm for James to tkae hold of.

    Why, madam, I'd be delighted.

    The head toward the bazaar, passing by s'Ilancy as they go. Strangely, the young woman eyes Akrabbim oddly as he passes. She seems to... bristle... as he walks by. If she'd been a dog, her hackles would have risen. Strange indeed... but Akrabbim stores it away for later. It wouldn't be a good idea to just ask her why she reacted that way. Not yet, at least. He turns his attention back to James.

    So, young lady... tell me about yourself? How did you end up working with a scoundrel like Sanis over there?

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